Originally posted by Effekt
Replace that with a bowl of cereal and go lift weights. Donuts ftL =/
I will never eat cereal again. I ate it every day for what, 17 years? I can't stand it anymore, I've exhausted every single brand and milked it (pun intended) for all its worth.
COFFEE and a donut, that's where it's at. Don't get all worked up though, it's an old-fashion-plain, so just the ring of dough, not sugar coated, no icing, nothing. And as for protein: iso-whey powder shakes every day as well. Yes, you should be proud!
Go lift weights? Unlike most college kids who binge and laze, a regular active lifestyle with sports and fresh air keeps me in shape, and I don't end up looking like a fake-and-baker Beefy McBeefington either. That's why I can still sport a Small/Medium T-shirt quite comfortably (Preach!) and still look good!