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Quote Jbanicar Replybullet Topic: Q & A for Fayaz
    Posted: 20/December/2006 at 2:05pm
Are you ready, Fayaz? 

Here are some of the "unanswered" questions of Slate in 2006.   The source address is Here.

The Explainer's Unanswered Questions From 2006

• What comes after 999 trillion?

• Why do train whistles at night always sound lonely and mournful? Not so in the daytime.

• Given the exchange and dispersion of matter, how likely is it/how often do we inhale/consume and/or incorporate into our own protein structure molecules that were once in some historical figure, say Abraham Lincoln?

• Lasers are now powerful and small (at least I think they are), so why don't our troops carry laser guns?

• Why is smooth peanut butter cheaper than nutty?

• If we taught animals to talk, how would that affect the world?

• What would happen to the stock market if a meteor impacted the earth? What would happen to the global markets and the U.S. market? Say a meteor hits inside U.S. borders and takes out two states.

• Is it possible to collect all the cookie dough in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream and actually bake cookies from it?

• How clean is bar soap in a public bathroom? Is it "self-cleaning," since it's soap? It seems like a health hazard to me.

• Why did Zidane head-butt his opponent in the World Cup final? Do the French not fight with their fists?

• When we are approaching another person, like in a hallway, why do we step to our left? That is, try and pass right-shoulder-to-right-shoulder.

I have been pondering this situation for as long as I can remember (maybe age 7-8) and it drives me nuts. It makes me feel like my head will implode if I think any harder. Is the universe infinite? It must end somewhere. But when it ends … there must be something on the other side … right?

• If a group of passengers on a hijacked plane wanted to, could they bring a plane down by all of them using their cell phones at the same time?

• Why do humans die so young? In biblical times, people lived for several hundred years; now living to 100 is considered a long life. What happened?

• How can I tell if I was the first person to use the term "K-fed-up" in relation to Britney's divorce?

• Why is the No. 8 always the same combination (tamale, enchilada, rice, beans) in any Mexican restaurant I visit? This includes primarily the southeast United States but not obvious franchises.

• Hi, how does nature make water? How does nature combine one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms to make water? If we knew how nature makes water, then perhaps we can then find an efficient way of separating hydrogen from oxygen, thus creating the ultimate source for energy.

• Why is grilled chicken tasting increasingly rubbery and odd?

• i need more money.....what business can i start that will not take a lot of time...i have internet access daily...........and i have saturday morning free before 12 noon to run around. i work from 7am to 9:30 pm..............

• Just suppose, one day someone wants to sell you an old gold bar. You don't know if it belongs to any treasure, and you can't find out if there is any reward for it, if it was a lost treasure. How would you go about melting it and selling it? The same would go for a gemstone about the size of a dinner plate. How would you go about selling it? If you're living in a country that is corrupt and you cannot trust the government, or anyone else, what can you do?

• Can you tell me how long it will take if you eat rat poison to see if it is going to affect you? Please e-mail me back. Because my niece ate some.

• Hi. I just wanted to know if our eyeballs roll back when we are sleeping (or closed) or do they shake? Or …

• PYGMIES: How/when/where/still in existence/do we mate with them?

• Do dolphins actually save people? If so, why do they do this?

• I have a sister that stresses the hell out of me. For example this one sister out of three knows that I am recovering from a serious car accident. I thank God for saving my life, and healing me each and every day. My question is can a person who complains and talks about the same complaining crap every day stress you completely out? About four days ago I had to tell this one sister (Annie) basically to get a life and stop bugging me with her problems and everybody else's. I reminded her that I am still in a neck brace and healing … I really need to know if a person can really stress you out with the same old thing over and over and over again. PLEASE ANSWER BACK ASAP.

• Can someone be forced to masturbate?

• Why do we make a "lip-smacking" sound when kissing closed-mouth? We do make the sound; it doesn't happen on its own ...

• What's likely to happen to people, or what might they feel, when they're killed instantly?

• Can a state in the United States split into two or more states? If so, how? I think Texas has a special provision for being able to divide into up to five states. But I am wondering about the others.

• I have noticed that a lot of mainstream movies feature men peeing. Are the actors really peeing?

• yea i have my own 620 gang and i dont know how to run it to make not look like a little bitch gang joke it is just me and my friend how do i run it?

• Hi. How did the horse in the movie about dreams make it to not only survive but to win again? Was this movie true?

• Working in my yard yesterday, I killed a gnat in my ear canal, where it had flown. I couldn't remove the body as my finger was too fat. What happens to it now?

• What is the richest religion? Scientology has a lot of Hollywood stars and I think they actually make their members give money, but Catholicism is a very old religion with its own country. Also, Islam has a lot of members but I don't know about their money situation.

• Is chicken considered meat?

• Hello ... Could you tell me if there's been any kind of medical discovery in the last 30 years besides DNA.

• Are UFOs confirmed to be from other Alien Planets?

• How do you get to write articles for Slate. Do you have to go through a process?

• I met a 40-year-old stripper back in February of this year. We had a special connection. Yet, she was homeless, going through a divorce and bankruptcy. She has three kids who live in Alabama and she pays $500 a month in child support. Moreover, she used cocaine. At one point, she was arrested for forgery. She spent a month in jail but was released under the condition that she become a narc for the police department. She gave the names of her dealers and would wear wires when drug deals were going down. I let her stay at my place and kept food in the refrigerator. This past Monday she took all her clothes, my money, and left. The night before, she hung out with some friends. I called her, and she said I was too good for her. She said she had never been treated so well. She said she would drag me down and she couldn't bear to handle that. I told her my hopes and dreams the night before. I wonder if I scared her off. I don't know what to make of it. I don't know if she met someone else the night before and doesn't want to tell me. It's killing me inside. I cried for her. I really cared for her. Can you give me some advice?

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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 2:42pm
freaking forums, I had about half answerd, and i posted an image, and it closed on me :{
Maybe more IE probs...
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Quote Bhopx Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 2:45pm
i think its goes million-billion-trillion-quadrillion-quintillion
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 3:04pm
Originally posted by Jbanicar

I have been pondering this situation for as long as I can remember (maybe age 7-8) and it drives me nuts. It makes me feel like my head will implode if I think any harder. Is the universe infinite? It must end somewhere. But when it ends … there must be something on the other side … right?
Inifite or not, we sure have allot of places to explore befor worring about the end of the universe :p
(same pic, from hubble site )
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Quote Fayaz Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 3:27pm
Originally posted by Jbanicar

Are you ready, Fayaz? 

Here are some of the "unanswered" questions of Slate in 2006.   The source address is Here.

The Explainer's Unanswered Questions From 2006

• What comes after 999 trillion?

Easy, 1 quadrillion. But I like to think of it as one-big-mutha-trucka-sumo-wrestla.. illion.

• Why do train whistles at night always sound lonely and mournful? Not so in the daytime.

Cause Jban doesn't ride the train at night. Duh!

• Given the exchange and dispersion of matter, how likely is it/how often do we inhale/consume and/or incorporate into our own protein structure molecules that were once in some historical figure, say Abraham Lincoln?
Not really sure, but I'd love to get a chance to consume you.

• Lasers are now powerful and small (at least I think they are), so why don't our troops carry laser guns?

YOU DON'T CARRY YOUR LASER GUN? What are you, crazy??

• Why is smooth peanut butter cheaper than nutty?
Cause the smooth peanuts get the ladies to buy the drinks.

• If we taught animals to talk, how would that affect the world?

Not a whole lot. Andr0ss talks to us, haven't seen any effects yet.

• What would happen to the stock market if a meteor impacted the earth? What would happen to the global markets and the U.S. market? Say a meteor hits inside U.S. borders and takes out two states.
We'll still be safe in igloo-loving blubber-eating Canada.

• Is it possible to collect all the cookie dough in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream and actually bake cookies from it?

Of course it is. What do you think Im doing right now? Almost done here.. one sec.

• How clean is bar soap in a public bathroom? Is it "self-cleaning," since it's soap? It seems like a health hazard to me.
Always carry your own soap. You never know when you could end up in a tiny village in Bangladesh.

• Why did Zidane head-butt his opponent in the World Cup final? Do the French not fight with their fists?

They say to use your head and think before going into a fight. But damn.. bring your head into the fight.. now you're talking!
• When we are approaching another person, like in a hallway, why do we step to our left? That is, try and pass right-shoulder-to-right-shoulder.
Cause people carry wallets in their right back pocket. Easy to swipe, no questions asked.

I have been pondering this situation for as long as I can remember (maybe age 7-8) and it drives me nuts. It makes me feel like my head will implode if I think any harder. Is the universe infinite? It must end somewhere. But when it ends … there must be something on the other side … right?
Something? Sure. There's me. Hi hi!

• If a group of passengers on a hijacked plane wanted to, could they bring a plane down by all of them using their cell phones at the same time?

Not if they're playing MP cell phone games. Those things will distract you!

• Why do humans die so young? In biblical times, people lived for several hundred years; now living to 100 is considered a long life. What happened?

• How can I tell if I was the first person to use the term "K-fed-up" in relation to Britney's divorce?
Easy. Check your personal diary. Do you still have a life or not?

• Why is the No. 8 always the same combination (tamale, enchilada, rice, beans) in any Mexican restaurant I visit? This includes primarily the southeast United States but not obvious franchises.

There are 7 decent combos, one for each day of the week. The 8th one just so happens to be the leftovers and crap they almost tossed in the garbage.

• Hi, how does nature make water? How does nature combine one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms to make water? If we knew how nature makes water, then perhaps we can then find an efficient way of separating hydrogen from oxygen, thus creating the ultimate source for energy.
Nature didn't make water. Water made nature. COMMON SENSE DUDE!

• Why is grilled chicken tasting increasingly rubbery and odd?

It's a conspiracy!

• i need more money.....what business can i start that will not take a lot of time...i have internet access daily...........and i have saturday morning free before 12 noon to run around. i work from 7am to 9:30 pm..............

• Just suppose, one day someone wants to sell you an old gold bar. You don't know if it belongs to any treasure, and you can't find out if there is any reward for it, if it was a lost treasure. How would you go about melting it and selling it? The same would go for a gemstone about the size of a dinner plate. How would you go about selling it? If you're living in a country that is corrupt and you cannot trust the government, or anyone else, what can you do?
Just carry it with you and use it to club people who try to talk to you. You'll get the respect you need to sell it.

• Can you tell me how long it will take if you eat rat poison to see if it is going to affect you? Please e-mail me back. Because my niece ate some.

Depends. Has she coughed out her vital organs yet?

• Hi. I just wanted to know if our eyeballs roll back when we are sleeping (or closed) or do they shake? Or …
What are you, a freak? They sit there just fine, thank you.

• PYGMIES: How/when/where/still in existence/do we mate with them?

(thinks hard.. ..mate with them..) Next question.

• Do dolphins actually save people? If so, why do they do this?

They're smart. They expect the favour to be returned.. somehow.. I wont get into details.


• I have a sister that stresses the hell out of me. For example this one sister out of three knows that I am recovering from a serious car accident. I thank God for saving my life, and healing me each and every day. My question is can a person who complains and talks about the same complaining crap every day stress you completely out? About four days ago I had to tell this one sister (Annie) basically to get a life and stop bugging me with her problems and everybody else's. I reminded her that I am still in a neck brace and healing … I really need to know if a person can really stress you out with the same old thing over and over and over again. PLEASE ANSWER BACK ASAP.

Give her back her underwear. She'll leave you alone.


• Can someone be forced to masturbate?

You'd have to ask Aqua & Interpol that question. I've never seen Interpol so sad before.

• Why do we make a "lip-smacking" sound when kissing closed-mouth? We do make the sound; it doesn't happen on its own ...

Because we want people to notice.
• What's likely to happen to people, or what might they feel, when they're killed instantly?
They send a hate [tell].
• Can a state in the United States split into two or more states? If so, how? I think Texas has a special provision for being able to divide into up to five states. But I am wondering about the others.
Detonate enough nukes underground and Im sure you could split it nice and even.

• I have noticed that a lot of mainstream movies feature men peeing. Are the actors really peeing?

Why, are you actually paying attention in those scenes?
• yea i have my own 620 gang and i dont know how to run it to make not look like a little bitch gang joke it is just me and my friend how do i run it?
Yo, here's da 411 homey-g-loc. Get yo' punk-a$$ boyz sum seriouz hardware. I'm talkin 9-mils, yo, some bling-bling, f-in work dem fools, make da mad scrilla.. represent! Peace, brotha.

• Hi. How did the horse in the movie about dreams make it to not only survive but to win again? Was this movie true?

The horse was on steroids. Truth.
• Working in my yard yesterday, I killed a gnat in my ear canal, where it had flown. I couldn't remove the body as my finger was too fat. What happens to it now?
Make a cake and toss in a crumb. House warming party baby!
• What is the richest religion? Scientology has a lot of Hollywood stars and I think they actually make their members give money, but Catholicism is a very old religion with its own country. Also, Islam has a lot of members but I don't know about their money situation.
Google's Witnesses.
• Is chicken considered meat?
Hellz yeah!
• Hello ... Could you tell me if there's been any kind of medical discovery in the last 30 years besides DNA.
Are you kidding? Male enhancment patches, Cialis, Viagra.. modern medicine miracle - they really work! Act now and you'll free yourself of debt as well. And get a University Diploma. Don't forget the cheap OEM software. And help a Nigerian Prince launder his money. Serious.
• Are UFOs confirmed to be from other Alien Planets?
sh*t. How did you know? I mean.. Im pretty sure I was acting very human all this time.
• How do you get to write articles for Slate. Do you have to go through a process?
Apparently not.
• I met a 40-year-old stripper back in February of this year. We had a special connection. Yet, she was homeless, going through a divorce and bankruptcy. She has three kids who live in Alabama and she pays $500 a month in child support. Moreover, she used cocaine. At one point, she was arrested for forgery. She spent a month in jail but was released under the condition that she become a narc for the police department. She gave the names of her dealers and would wear wires when drug deals were going down. I let her stay at my place and kept food in the refrigerator. This past Monday she took all her clothes, my money, and left. The night before, she hung out with some friends. I called her, and she said I was too good for her. She said she had never been treated so well. She said she would drag me down and she couldn't bear to handle that. I told her my hopes and dreams the night before. I wonder if I scared her off. I don't know what to make of it. I don't know if she met someone else the night before and doesn't want to tell me. It's killing me inside. I cried for her. I really cared for her. Can you give me some advice?

Find out if she has a sister.

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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 5:31pm
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Quote Bhopx Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 6:23pm
Originally posted by Tybox

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Quote maxaris Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 7:49pm
Originally posted by Bhopx

Originally posted by Tybox

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Quote AquaNox Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 7:59pm

• If we taught animals to talk, how would that affect the world?

Not a whole lot. Andr0ss talks to us, haven't seen any effects yet.
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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 20/December/2006 at 8:31pm
Originally posted by AquaNox

• If we taught animals to talk, how would that affect the world?

Not a whole lot. Andr0ss talks to us, haven't seen any effects yet.
Yeah that one wins.
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