Planetside Tournament Event
Date: End August / Early September
- Thanks for all the community support. You guys rock!
- Added support for -k and -j names, and the ability to filter the list
- This is an unofficial listing. I am not responsible for the drama that may ensue!
- To join a team, simply enter your name and click on "Join this team"
- Team Leaders reserve the right to accept and/or deny join requests
- Bugs? Need help? Contact
What is this? A community-managed unofficial listing of the platoons that have expressed
an interest in participating in the PS Outfit Event.
Show NC
On Emerald
Team Name: 1CMM / FR
Server: Emerald
Motto: Huh! Best you can do?
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Fayaz
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Roster may vary based on outfit member participation and SOE rules
DonFelipe Bullseye315NC sicknick gfoce T42 BoothRedux MarkHamilton Wycky Jangio Doller Shawn2782 BobTheNC 0000nc K4RMA Sundances LaptiNek ReRoLLeD Larox13 Raelik RaikNC Tizzak DELIVEx GPAnnihilator Ajaks FlamingPhoenix HR Isabel 88sRincewind Bluescales dawgystahl hi 1 TripX Shade Lepricon bwin raszero
Team Name: KOTOR / Overlords
Server: Emerald
Motto: Keep Up or Keep Out.
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: No
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: TRxNasty
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join TRxLink
Team Name: General Chat Team/Failures Inc.
Server: Emerald
Motto: We really fail
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Hamorad
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join folken JCDenton01 HELLFISH88 minion989 Youareonebigfreakinhomo SgtGoodBuzz ironwolve Hi guys I am a Markov VS and I lurve REDx14 and I want to be on your team WOW xXxVillaNovaxXxx ad kamekazisTR
Team Name: Future Crew / Juggies
Server: Markov
Motto: Pants!
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: ShockSN
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join vsVAGUE JimmyJazzhasNoBalls andHasManTits Batsteg JimmyJazz Eats Me Out Desade FrootLoop Yo Fat Mutha Fucking Dyke Cock Sucking Mom MUTHA FUCKAZZZ ShockSNlikesITwhenIeatCHILIdogsOUTofHISmomsBUTT JimiJazzesSmallLimpDick GeneralVega ScourgeOfTheServer ImaStickMyDickInRJsButt
Team Name: PcP and REDx
Server: Markov
Motto: PcP h4x!
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: VAGUE
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join NewCastle Chevyman lilyamma therealcaocaotr general2 REDx32 RandySniper Batsteg BlackWeb REDx24 NoXousX VAGUEISMYBITCH nloc NOBITCHVAGUEISMYYYBITCH VagueDoesGuys Huey Tyke VAGUEdoesMENnotBOYS VAGUEhasthegoodteam DumpsterDiver VAGUEblowsME ShockSNrocks ChevymanREALLY WANT TO PLAY If you are drunk say I love Randy Sniper I love randy sniper jimi jizz I am VS but I lurve REDx14 DrPhil HEINZEx57 SERPUS REDx88
Team Name: Ghosts of the Revolution
Server: Emerald
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: No
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Sidar
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Painkiller153 YumiI Gonefshn swiss ch33se Neostrider Alou RubberDuckyGTO Gloern
Team Name: -Wolf Pack-
Server: Emerald
Motto: If you call one Wolf . . you invite the Pack
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Wolvpak99
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join ALTS: Ribilla, Heoka, TeendiaperFox, Pyrdian, WraithRage
Team Name: Black Widow Company
Server: Emerald
Motto: There Is No Equal
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Firefly
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join NOW OPEN TO ULTRA MEMBERS and BWC ONLY.
STANDBY: CallMeSam DucusSumus Veyron TekDragon jkespd Mir Kazba UnmatchedForce Maximus0220 LastClip Zanduar KeiraKnightley TOOLBAG Palin xXxVillaNovaxXxx Hi
Team Name: DARK Celestial Fire
Server: Emerald
Motto: Canes are weapons too
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Malign
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Alts: MercenaryMax, Asylim, ErnieVS, beemer, Garet,
Fayleruthe, Ryokoshin, Bushmill,
Keelhaul, Nodonn-K, RolandtheGunslinger, VSPaz Butchlion-K
Server: Werner
Motto: spray and pray
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Hooker
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join LEFF Fortune DevilsDaughter beezleBug
Team Name: Vs Vigilantes & Co.
Server: Markov
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Daren27
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join hoebag therealcaocaov2 HELLACIOUS GrandHero BadPotato
Team Name: The Vindicators
Server: Emerald
Motto: Our enemies fear our vengeance. They should. They
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: DviddLeff
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join WoIf MaximusRudedog VanuDragonLord tech147 MaximusRudedog
Team Name: NC Kings
Server: Emerald
Motto: We dont die we go to hell and regroup
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: OzziKing
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join OzziKingClone1of30 WiteBeam-K
Team Name: GC/ HH / PoF
Server: Emerald
Motto: NCE.... NC Elites
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: TaCo925
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Chaosscythe , Shreder , NiCr0 ,Members of PoF (unknown) , members of HH (unknown). Ygea sicknick JagerCaselli NCBlaze
Team Name: TKJ + Free trial accounts
Server: Markov
Motto: got my vans on can;t afford real sneakas
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: TKJ
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Ghost youbei 2pac Styles of Beyond Machine Shop
Team Name: ULTRA One
Server: Emerald
Motto: For the Republic
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: No
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: ThomasJordan
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Alternates: Quigo POW Baldone HerrWolfster POW
leeguy Arcticwaste RedHawk33 TRcarebear ShadowChii Loki13 JimTressel ARackOBabies
JackelMaster Kagomi Pvtdred mrsfixit Noivad Konke Billx Aduys Shade1982 carlo-k BCBrent
Team Name: TheFinalStand
Server: Markov
Motto: Excellence and Longevity
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Matt92
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join
Team Name: Adrenaline Ops
Server: Emerald
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Redx509
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Note: Fodder guys are ppl that want to remain unknown............
Team Name: TACO
Server: Emerald
Motto: Lets see who we can dig up... again.
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: FelipeDeDon
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join ISFizz Grieselle Tush
Team Name: Hostile Takeover
Server: Markov
Motto: who is next, we killem all
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: No
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: SgtMAD
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Alternates: lllPantherlll Mobius1 MidPoint xasusx HotrodHG
Indignation Cronuz Slic NVSniper MarkHamilton Notorious Pee Eye Gee My last entry was to the wrong team ignore it FluxCore
Team Name: MARKOV
Server: Emerald
Motto: HUH, I have to be nice or everyone gets pissed
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: No
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: HtSgtMAD
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Alternates: GodlessMrkII KraZyKlowN Rang VallesMom Faygo HtHare k8tie MajorGunsTR ChickenMcNublet GameOverX Apathy Grieves DownwardSpiral ChazyMARKOV HotrodTR AK1200 ShadowScythe Br0k3nV3nd1ngM4ch1n3 HtSpokes Sirens KaiserBob Cronuz xSuBPaRx AcidBurnZ Notorious Pee Eye Gee Quard sanjosesharks
Team Name: the Enforcers and Friends
Server: Emerald
Motto: Have Fun
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: DrMcGuyver
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Diamondgirl UrDaD Pilsner Marcuscole WalMart betasoldier chris66
Outlaw022 Rangerr TheLoner222 GUNGHOBODA
Team Name: D2A
Server: Markov
Motto: Death To All Who Oppose
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: BoOmRANG
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join This team is like hugorz Four D2A is bettah than Ht Ht is going to kick D2A butt
Team Name: Kobra Kai
Server: Markov
Motto: Sweep the leg!
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join + alternates BenEBob tard Fik
Team Name: HR / SA
Server: Emerald
Motto: v-v-d
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: 1Shot1Kill
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join ChICkEnZSupport captainCavalier EvilMonkeySpacePirate oneidus Kamak PainGodTR GPAnnihilator xXxVillaNovaxXxx TheResurrection Atra ftsdawg OutlawSZ-K
Team Name: Army Of One
Server: Emerald
Motto: Quality over Quantity
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Kanya
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join DogmeatMSU HELLFISH88 BoothRedux
Team Name: The Doom Brigade
Server: Markov
Status: Recruiting
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Scurd
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join Brukas
Team Name: The Republican Guard
Server: Markov
Motto: We Bake WTF Muffins
Status: Ready
Guests Allowed: Yes
TS / Ventrilo: Yes
Leader: Sardus
Contact: Email
Players requesting to join We are not recruiting anyone at this time. Intoxicated Driver adf SardusIsGay Nigger