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lil' help? (tech)

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Topic: lil' help? (tech)
Posted By: BoothRedux
Subject: lil' help? (tech)
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 3:01pm
eh, so i just built my new rig and im idling at around 120-130F, under any kinda load it jumps real high. i ahd this problem before and reseated heatsink/cpu, checked over wires etc; i tried ajcking up the fans and also relpacing the thermal paste and im still getting high temps.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and fyi im running a core2 e6600, asus p5b (deluxe) mobo, and a enermax 500w liberty psu

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 3:43pm
Stock HSF?


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Posted By: BoothRedux
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 5:41pm
yeah sadly,

im looking at getting this -

make a noticable difference?

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 6:13pm
Are you sure the heatsink is making proper contact with the CPU? Also, are you using any thermal grease/paste (arctic silver etc.)?


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 6:33pm
I love my Zalman, although it's for a AMD64.. 

That plus the Artic Silver Preach recommends would be my first starting point... 

How many and what orientation are the fans in your case?


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Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 11:31pm
i know it might sound strange, but also check to make sure the protective plastic film that covers the heatsink paste has been removed. sometimes in a rush it's easy to forget.

Posted By: BoothRedux
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 3:25am
hey thanks for the response - i am running a stock hsf, i've reseated it a few times and it seems to be fitted correctly. I think what might be going on is i don't have the stock thermal pad from intel, a friend of mine was looking at parts and touched it removing some of the pad. i cleaned it completely off and used Silicone base heatsink compound from radioshack -_-.

My fans are stock, - - l

two 120's, front pulling rear exhaust witht he psu facing down.

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 4:33am
yeah, i have some radio shack thermal compound i used for something else and can say, it's not gonna do the job for modern cpu's.

what i use for cpu's are the following.
to clean the old: -
apply the new: -

if you have a microcenter nearby they sell both. -
compusa also has the paste, but not the cleaner. - AS5

Posted By: BoothRedux
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 5:09am
Originally posted by Fidelio

yeah, i have some radio shack thermal compound i used for something else and can say, it's not gonna do the job for modern cpu's.

what i use for cpu's are the following.
to clean the old: -
apply the new: -

if you have a microcenter nearby they sell both. -
compusa also has the paste, but not the cleaner. - AS5

thanks, hopefully a cheap fix

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 7:47am
Originally posted by BoothRedux

Originally posted by Fidelio

yeah, i have some radio shack thermal compound i used for something else and can say, it's not gonna do the job for modern cpu's.

what i use for cpu's are the following.
to clean the old: -
apply the new: -

if you have a microcenter nearby they sell both. -
compusa also has the paste, but not the cleaner. - AS5

thanks, hopefully a cheap fix

Yeah, silicone ain't gonna cut it.

I'm not sure if it's cheaper or you possible have some around the house, but acetone  (NOT fingernail polish remover) or CRC cleaner will also clean the gunk off. 

There should be enough AS in a tube to do at least a couple CPU's, so if this alone doesn't fix your problem, you'll still have enough to use on a new HSF.


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Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 7:59am
in my previous post i mentioned the arcticlean. if you can get it (or wait for it), i highly recommend it. the stuff is simply awesome.

the first solution takes paste and grease off like nothing i've tried but, step two is just as magical. since virtually all modern heatsinks have a base made of copper the material is subject to flash oxidation when you prepare the surface with a quickly evaporating liquid like alchohol or acetone.

are we talking green copper like an old penny? of course not but the tiny pits in the surface are why you use thermal paste in the first place. it's these tiny pits which can oxidize and are too small to see but do imo have an effect. the arcticlean is designed to combat this problem and is therefor the most ideal thing to use.

as solitary said there are other options but if you want the best, that's it.

lastly, when you do the final cleaning of your parts you want to use a totally lint free cloth. a common but overlooked good source for an extremely lint free towel is a paper coffee filter.

just my 2 green cents.

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 9:00am
Meh.  AS always said to use acetone, up until they released a cleaning solution..

If the AS hasn't permeated into the pits before oxidation sets in, then I don't think it's likely to make that much of a difference anyway.

I'm no Chemical Engineer or Physicist though.

Of course, I have been carrying around the same f'in can of acetone since I bought my AMD 1.4 Tbird.....

Nothing like having a bomb in your trunk.  :)


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Posted By: BoothRedux
Date Posted: 11/November/2006 at 3:16am
thanks for the help ;)

i picked up a zalman fan and im running 42c under load =D, turns out my HSF was a little convex (took a little piece of glass and it was making contact in the middle)

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 11/November/2006 at 5:00am
eww, that's bad. glad you got it fixed. :)

Posted By: Interpol
Date Posted: 11/November/2006 at 9:52am
Originally posted by Fidelio

i know it might sound strange, but also check to make sure the protective plastic film that covers the heatsink paste has been removed. sometimes in a rush it's easy to forget.


i hate you!

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 11/November/2006 at 3:45pm
i have no idea what you're talking about.

Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 11/November/2006 at 4:43pm
I'm bored.


Posted By: Interpol
Date Posted: 12/November/2006 at 12:16am
Originally posted by Fidelio

i have no idea what you're talking about.


Posted By: BoothRedux
Date Posted: 12/November/2006 at 5:10pm
hijacked ;)

Lies become legend, but fear is forever.

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