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Hang Him High

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Printed Date: 21/March/2025 at 9:55am

Topic: Hang Him High
Posted By: Stairway
Subject: Hang Him High
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 2:51pm - Big Surprise
I for one am happy with the result.

Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 3:52pm


Posted By: Fayaz
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 6:44pm
Wonder how long it'll take before someone puts it up on YouTube.. sick.. but there are freaks out there


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 6:56pm
i would rather they have left him in a rat hole of a prizzon for 80 years...
death is too quick an end for him.

Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 6:58pm
Originally posted by Fayaz

Wonder how long it'll take before someone puts it up on YouTube.. sick.. but there are freaks out there

It wouldnt bother me as much as if someone had posted the Steve Irwin video.  I hope to God they never do, thats somthing people never need to see.

BTW just installed the F.E.A.R MP free thingy, is it any fun?


Posted By: AquaNox
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 9:37pm
Steve's wife already said that the footage would never be released


Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 05/November/2006 at 9:41pm
Originally posted by AquaNox

Steve's wife already said that the footage would never be released

Yeah I was thankful for that, but then again sometimes things just get out.


Posted By: homertrix
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 1:45am
Im surprised this trial ended so quickly, usually with the defendent being such a powerful man (well..  was powerful) i thought it would be tied up in the courts for years to come.


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 4:32am
Im not sirprised at all. There are people that support him (see why we are stiill at war, oh wait oil nevermind). No but the majority of the country hates him. When a man commits genocide on his own people he should be hung from the rafters.


Posted By: homertrix
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 12:15pm
I totally agree with the sentence, but killing Suddam will not stop the war.  I dont believe the war is continuing because of the oil fields, due to the fact that the U.S has spent more money than Iraq oil can pay back.  They are staying put in Iraq to prevent civil war which would make the Iraqi occupation a complete failure. 


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 06/November/2006 at 3:56pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

i would rather they have left him in a rat hole of a prizzon for 80 years...
death is too quick an end for him.
A person with such influence could not stay alive in prision without some asshats either killing him or others taking hostages to free him...would of ended up with more death.


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 07/November/2006 at 12:54am
It was funny as hell when I saw footage of him on vacation on the daily show.


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