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Possible recruit

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Category: Public Forums
Forum Name: Planetside
Forum Discription: All things Planetside related
Printed Date: 12/March/2025 at 7:28pm

Topic: Possible recruit
Posted By: Daylen
Subject: Possible recruit
Date Posted: 07/September/2005 at 10:23pm

Hey folks, it's Daylen from Liberty. Been hoping that Liberty would return from it's hiatus, but it appears that it's a vain hope. I'm not quite ready to go into that gentle good night, so I'm sort of hoping to pick up a new home. You've already grabbed Sniktv2, and IMHO I think I'm a way better choice (j/k), but I'd appreciate the chance to talk it over with you folks and see if we make a good match.

BTW, I'm almost BR24 (actually BR23.75) and almost CR5 (actually CR4.85), and I'd really like to max those out if at all possible, and these days it almost requires an outfit. Look me up in-game if I don't talk to you first.

Thanks again.

Daylen - Sniper Whore (11,000 kills and counting)

Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 07/September/2005 at 10:40pm
Recruitment closed but you can still squad.


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 07/September/2005 at 11:41pm

Sniktv2 just squads, he isn't in 1CMM yet.

Come join in the fun!

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 09/September/2005 at 5:51am
Hey there Daylen. Nice to see you stopping by our humble home. You are more then welcome to hop on our TS and squad with us. Just contact any 1CMM in game for a squad invite and our TS info. Recruitment is closed at the moment, but that won't prevent you from squading with us.


Posted By: Daylen
Date Posted: 09/September/2005 at 7:44am

Thanks for the warm welcome folks. Saw you broadcasting last night around 9:30pm EST Preach, and I was about to ask you guys for a squad, but I was logging shortly so refrained. Hopefully I'll see more of you guys this weekend - going to be taking a motorcycle safety course for a motorcycle endorsement on my license, but classes only run 8am - 3pm on Sat and Sun, so there should be plenty of time to seek you out.

Thanks again, and see you in game.


Posted By: PadCooter
Date Posted: 09/September/2005 at 3:26pm
hmm thats odd preach hardly talks :P


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