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Anybody still play the HALO pc?

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Category: Public Forums
Forum Name: General Chat
Forum Discription: Talk about anything and everything
Printed Date: 10/March/2025 at 12:08pm

Topic: Anybody still play the HALO pc?
Posted By: Verdant Force
Subject: Anybody still play the HALO pc?
Date Posted: 15/October/2005 at 1:54am


ok, first of all. im sorry for never being around, showing up one day, ask to get re-invited to Outfit, then leave for another 3 months.. 2 reasons for that.

1. my girlfriend, witch i love with all my heart, takes up what little free time i do have, ( i do enjoy the time i spend with her )

2. well, ive made 30,000$ in the past 6 months. not bad for a 22 year old. thats after taxes. i have that much sitting in my bank right frigging now.


ok, so now that thats over :P

the main reason you guys dont see me play this game much, is it takes way to much time to get into and *Do* somthing

it takes me at least half an hour to find a good fight, and somedays i dont find a decent fight all day.


Halo is 10X easier to jump into, and you can find a decent game in 5 minuts max. and once your there each game is only 5-10 minuts long, so its great for me, since i only have spair time in small amounts like that.

so if any of you still play it, or have stared to recently, maybe we could play a few round? no clan in that game seams fitting or worthy of me either :p

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