this stuff is messed up, but scarily beleivable.
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Topic: this stuff is messed up, but scarily beleivable.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Subject: this stuff is messed up, but scarily beleivable.
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 3:23am -
Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 4:15am
It's actually pretty paranoid filming; they have a pre-cognition of what they want to find, and then, omg, when they film it, what do you think that they conclude? obviously what they set out to find.
And when they go up to talk to the protesters, guess what they say... exactly what you find in the internet conspiracy videos... imagine that! "Our government seems to be working together with the forces that caused it." Wow, that tells us a lot... it sounds a lot like every YouTube anti this anti that video out there.
But of course the interviewer records this and takes it to be a sign of protester intelligence.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 4:47am
its alraidy a common known fact that it is almost nearly impossible that the buildings whent down because of the planes Alone.
and the fact that building 7 was 'Pulled' hours later only goes to show they had been planning this for weeks, if not months, or years. this vidio goes much beyond 911 tho. but, who GAINED the most from 911? your Government.
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 4:48am
As much as I love conspiracies, some of this is pretty hard to swallow.
Actually most.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 4:55am
yeah, but the fact that Bush and the others Dont deny any of it scares me.
they jsut say stuff like ' i dont need to tell you why ' :/
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 6:00am

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 9:18am
Originally posted by Verdant Forceits alraidy a common known fact that it is almost nearly impossible that the buildings whent down because of the planes Alone.
and the fact that building 7 was 'Pulled' hours later only goes to show they had been planning this for weeks, if not months, or years. this vidio goes much beyond 911 tho. but, who GAINED the most from 911? your Government.
You sir deserve an LOL, and I will even toss in a ROFL!
Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat Verdant.
Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 10:17am
double layered tinfoil
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 12:37pm
Yeah, i laught at the notion that they where able to get A Demolition team into building 7 in the choas on 911 and do what normaly takes weeks in hours, with no trucks deleving any explosives or anything of the sort.
you tell me, how did building 7 fall?
Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 12:48pm
hmm mebbe it was the huge explosions. or falling debris. or the concrete foundation was fuct by a million tons of steel and concrete falling into and smashing the entire area. or mebbe a combination. or it was gremlins. or a dimensional rift. or the finger of god. or other super secret arab terrorists that didn't want anyone to know that they secretly snuck into building 7 the night before and planted explosives so they could join in all the fun. or monkeys.
but i thinks its the guy
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 12:56pm
Why where there Huge explosions in the first place?
the "Reason" The WTC fell is because of Fires melting huge steel Core beams, you know, normaly the only thing thats left on a building after a massive fire. and the WTC fire wasent big at all, people where stading Inside the erea where the airplaines hit, and where waving for help.
Also, building 7 was one of the farthest buildings from the other WTC's the other buildings took MUCH more damage, and one even had MOST of a building fall onto it. it still stands today.
the difrence betwen USA and Canada, is at least we know Our goverment tries to screw us over all the time.
Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 1:00pm
yes have some
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 1:10pm
besides, building 7 was 'Pulled' the owner over the building ( i forget hit name )
Came on TV and said somthing along the lives of "There has been sutch monumental loss of life, maybe we should pull it.
and thats when we made the Disition to pull building 7"
so, Building 7 was Demolished. this was on National TV ( i watched this with my own eyes on that day ), by the guy who owned the buildings, saying they Decided to Demolish building 7. it us an Undisputed fact, exept most of the general poppulous did not see it happen.
Posted By: delive
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 1:33pm
Reminds me of something from V for Vendetta, where the government does something undercover and catastrophic to try and earn the public's trust and loyalty; but overall just gaining extreme control over everything..
but this government's plan seems to have backfired.
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 6:58pm
The problem is Verdant-and remember i am the first guy to run with conspiracy stories-is that you apparently come in here backing up all your info based on this pretty one-sided, heavily opinonated piece of "journalism".
David Gragan was right, this guy looked and sounded like someone working as an "ambush" journalist, or some half-rate tool.
The only things I may agree with you on are the Bush/Bin Laden connections, and maybe some Bohemia Grove stuff.
But to say the US planned to blow up the WTC is a little much, that is sinister on a scale close to Nazi Germany.
And quit saying this Canada>US BS, I'm far from a loyal patriot, but I think it is f**ked up when people come on forums anywhere and throw out some random information and then throw in that little jab at the end. Both our goverments have issues, like most in the world, lose the holier than thou attitude.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 7:11pm
President Bush had a boomer trap in the WTC, but Cheney didn't know that Big W put all the triggers on the ground and got an itchy finger and let a jammer slip out of his hands.
Stuff happens... but darn that CIA for covering it all up.
Give me your address Verdant, I will make you a swan shaped tinfoil hat.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 9:06pm
there is plenty of info out there, this vidio is one of thousands. this one is probably the most outlandish one yes. hate me if you will, but the info out there is Plentifull.
and it all points to bush, that fact that there is no possible way those planes alone brought down the world trade centers, and the fact that world trade center 7 was DEMOLISHED with Explosives HOURS after the initial event.
the info is out there, you dont need to look far. -
building 7's Demolition.
Probly the most down to earth vidio, With the most info -
and no, Google vidio is not my sole source of info, ive been questioning this ever since people started to say ' it looked like a movie, how the tower came down '
simply because, Movies are Fabricated, if it looked like a movie, it looked fabricated.
And Preach, you alraidy have my address ;)
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 02/September/2006 at 9:38pm
Of course there is "info", and most of it is completely fabricated. Info does not equal fact/truth. Any conspiracy theorist can toss together some compelling and dramatic video. It doesn't make it truth however.
Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 03/September/2006 at 1:06am
Originally posted by Preach
Of course there is "info", and most of it is completely fabricated. Info does not equal fact/truth. Any conspiracy theorist can toss together some compelling and dramatic video. It doesn't make it truth however.
yes it does
See: Wikiality
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 03/September/2006 at 4:07am
Explain to me how they prepped and demolished building 7 in only a few hours and il shut up. building 7 was in fact Demolished, the owner of the buildings stated it live on national TV. how was it accomplished in so little time?
it was a verry precice and controled demolition as you can easily see, it falls into a neat little pile. falling inside itself as it fell down. so you can rule out a 'big bomb' because it wouldent have fallen so cleanly inside itself.
explain to me, and il shut up.
Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 03/September/2006 at 8:16am
Originally posted by Preach
Originally posted by Verdant Forceits alraidy a common known fact that it is almost nearly impossible that the buildings whent down because of the planes Alone.
and the fact that building 7 was 'Pulled' hours later only goes to show they had been planning this for weeks, if not months, or years. this vidio goes much beyond 911 tho. but, who GAINED the most from 911? your Government. You sir deserve an LOL, and I will even toss in a ROFL! Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat Verdant.
------------- Ball punching for Teh Win!
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 2:59am -
these guys have put more iformation together then i could ever do, and placed allot of it into this one post.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 3:05am
Dude, you are taking "information" on the Internet as gospel. I think you need to take a step back, a deep breath, and then triple layer that tinfoil hat of yours. Those satellites can read your thoughts you know.
Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 3:28am
So where are all the videos that say it's false? I'm just curious; all you ever see are ones like that.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 4:28am
Originally posted by Preach
Dude, you are taking "information" on the Internet as gospel. I think you need to take a step back, a deep breath, and then triple layer that tinfoil hat of yours. Those satellites can read your thoughts you know.
What i find UNBELEIVABLE is the fact that 19 people where able to hijack 4 planes with BOX CUTTERS and hit them into 3 of their 4 targets with NO Militiary intervention, at ALL.
not to mention, 5 of those people either SURVIVED(if not more), or where not in the planes, as they have come onto television declaring their innocence.
and im not worried about Satalites reading my brain.
my contry is not the one becoming a police state.
its too bad your goverment owns pretty much evre media outlet.
maybe they wouldent be able to control the media so much if they didient :/
Preach i can understand your beleif, i mean, you are in the army. i do not blame you a single bit for sticking for what you beleive in, i would be doing the same in your position.
at this point IN canada, YESTERDAY ( saturday ) we had a Documentairy play on Television with never befor seen footage of Reporters who where inside the towers.
you can clearly and distinctly hear Explosions, over and over during the film. where do these explosions come from?
Btw. this is what a Skyscraper about to collapse from a fire SHOULD look like - - =
but wait....... nevermind it did not collapse - =
Mind you, it dosent look in the greatest shape. but it was on fire for HOURS and HOURS in a blazing Inferno, over Multiple floors Clearly visible from miles away.
and the towers?... SMoldering black smoke, with people waving out from where the planes crashed... not many visible flames, and the flames we do see strangly look like thermite reactions.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 9:44am
What I find really funny is you quoting youtube videos as supporting "evidence". I'm not going to start that slippery slope of taking apart your "evidence", because it is obvious you have blind fanatical belief in this nonsense. Believe whatever you want. Tupac and Elvis conspired with the US Government to bring down the twin towers. Bastards.
I'm not in the Army either.
Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 11:23am
I think we found an issue that we can both get behind, Preach; I have a feeling inside to be friends again.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 11:48am
Whats the issue? That I'm not in the Army?
Posted By: AquaNox
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 12:26pm
lol, what a load of crap. Dont believe everything you hear, Verdant.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 9:24pm
still think its all a load of crap?
the pentagon has released the video of the 'plane' hitting it.
Tell me for one second you beleive this is a plane. - <-- Official news site.
View from the 2 difrent Camera's on scene - -
tell me that you beleive that is a plane. this is the size it Should have been -
if you can even manage to spot the 'plane' in the first photo, you will easily see it is WAY to small to be any sort of Comercial aircraft.
what hit the Pentagon? to tell you the truth i have no freaking idea. but this guy sure seams to know his stuff. -
Posted By: Interpol
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 9:42pm
Maddox's Reply: -
And then the debunking of each reason you could ever have that there was a conspiracy in place: -
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 10:28pm
I forgot a couple important facts... Verdant is an expert in commercial and military aircraft, building construction, building demolition, explosives, video analysis, investigative reporting and/or detective work.
I concede. Verdant has uncovered the plot of the US government to kill thousands of its own citizens. Youtube, Google video, and obscure internet news stories are all the proof I need. You sold me.
Let the thread die now.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 10:31pm
ok, first off, Maddox is and always has been a Complete moron.
and the popularmechanics leaves out ALLOT of things.
it dosent touch the Explosives Befor during and after the airplaines hit the WTC.
most of the jet fuel Exploded on contact, how does it go down over 80 floors to reach the lobby, long AFTER the planes hit? not to mention, the first explosion was heard moments befor the first plane hit. so it couldent have been from jet fuel.
it dosent touch the fact that there is molten steel are ground zero at ALL 3 stites after the collapse, where the surface tempature is oer 1300 Degrees. and underneath molten metal was glowing read hot for WEEKS after. how does a small fire 80 stories up not get put out by falling that far and getting crushed by debrie, concrete and other things, cutting out all the air? the fall would have put the fire out, the motel steel in the basements is from somthing else.
how does Building 7 fall in a Semetrical manner, if only the soulth side was damaged? other buildings around where damaged ALLOT more then building 7, look for some pictures of a damaged WCT7, you wont find anything other then small fires on some of the floors. if it was REALLY destroyed because of fire, it would look ALLOT more like the madrid fire. and that one didient even colapse. and it was on fire for over 10 hours. -
And the goverment cant go off and kill the Conspiracy theorists because, Duh , that would prove that the goverment had somthing to do with it, and would only give more evidence to the mountain we alraidy have. maddox is a moron, and a fat one at that.
Look at the videos on the news website, surely you agree that those wherent edited, and yet you can clearly see that its nothing like a 757.
the hole world is waiting for you to wake up.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 10:33pm
You are completely insane, stop posting forever. Go back to whatever forum you are copy and pasting this nonsense from and circle jerk with the rest of the conspiracy nuts. Leave this idiocy off 1CMM forums though.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 10:40pm
fine, i will leave this thread.
and i for one, beleive you are all insane to not react in front of this mountain of evicence that shows somthing is obviously wrong with your gorvement, i mean, you have the FREAKING illuminaty symbol on the back of your money, WITH the year they where re-formed, AND "New World Order" Riten under it.
have fun becoming a police state.
and no, i diddent copy from any other forums. this was all info i have put together myself over a long time. this is not just somthing i started looking at just recently, i posted it here now because i get the feeling somthing bad will happen somtime soon and i felt i had to do SOMTHING, anything.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 10:41pm
Originally posted by Verdant Forcemountain of evicence
Posted By: Interpol
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 11:21pm
Okay, my point of posting the Maddox thing was purely for humor. The other link was for the purpose of countering your argument.
Trust me, the US is clueless on most sh*t.
Conspiracies exist, but on a much, much smaller level.
Posted By: Xenetic
Date Posted: 04/September/2006 at 11:59pm
Verd, you can't discuss this with preach, he is in the military. They believe what they are told to believe :P
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 05/September/2006 at 4:04am
Originally posted by Xenetic
Verd, you can't discuss this with preach, he is in the military. They believe what they are told to believe :P
ooooooooo Burn!
Posted By: Bhopx
Date Posted: 11/September/2006 at 9:30pm
this website debunks point by point the common falacies out there in these conspiracy theory videos such as, there needed to be a secondary cause for the collapse of the towers. yes, steel doesnt melt at the temperature of burning jet fuel, but the temperature of jet fuel is enough to weaken the structural integrity of steel enough for it to not be able to withstand tons of building material. And there wasnt a big fire in there? Shortly after the impact of the first plane there were people getting out of the elevator on the ground floor who were engulfed in burning jet fuel... -
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 11/September/2006 at 11:12pm
i let this thread die for a reason, dont make me fight again.
even IF by some phisical imposibility the towers fell at freefall speed because of a fire, it is only part of the puzzle, WT7 fell that day, again 'by fires'
that flight that crashed in the middle of nowhere left no plane, no bodies, almost nothing. and the same is the case with the pentagon.
Also, loose change is old, do some reseach on some of the newer material, you know, stuff the government refuses to anser about.
let this thread die. and do you own research on the subject.
Posted By: Bhopx
Date Posted: 11/September/2006 at 11:26pm
you just have to keep in mind that these people will spin the facts as much as they can to make what they are saying to appear to have merit. just dont take what these wannabe journalist say as absolute fact, because they can make an interesting video with shocking supposed 'facts', but in reality their 'facts' are either half-truths or outright falsities. supposed 'experts' or witnesses that they site could just be some random schmuck who doesnt know what hes talking about. Just take a look at the loose change guide for examples of that...the only difference between some of these other videos and the loose change video is that there isnt a guide out yet to debunk the theories posed by these other videos...
Posted By: Bhopx
Date Posted: 11/September/2006 at 11:35pm
btw, if political commentator Barbara Olsen wasnt onboard the flight that hit the pentagon can you tell me where she is? -
Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 12:03am
/\ for Verdant
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 12:12am
i cant anser that as i do not know. but what i do know is, it was not a 757 that hit the pentagon, they released a video of 'the plane' hitting the pentagon some time ago, you can find it on many news sites, or even a while back in this thread.
I in no way want to disrespect those who died that day, i just wish for the anger to be directed in the right direction, to stop more innocent lives from being lost.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 12:20am
Verdant... you are completely f*cking nuts man. Get half a brain for christ sake and stop being such a retarded lemming. You piss me off with your ignorance of the facts. Bhop and many others have provided links completely debunking this fantasy world you live in. Get over it... you believe in complete lies and insanity. F*cking hippy.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 12:29am
Hey, i was leaving this thread die.
i listen to as much as i can about the subject from all points of view, and i try to inform myself best i can, and this was my conclusion, sorry if you all dont agree, you dont need too.
Free speech is free speech. dont like what the person has to say, dont listen.
stop with the personal Insults please, its all you have done this entire thread.
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 8:55am
Insults? Double edged sword there Verdant... free speech is free speech, eh?
Stop the with insults of my country and you wouldn't find me on here kicking you in the face.
Posted By: Fayaz
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 12:28pm
Keep it civil gentlemen.
Verdant's adamant view is a testament to the fact that he craves more information, undoubtedly due to the fact that he really does care about what happened 5 years ago. In Preach's defense however, claiming that his ties with the Air Force are a definite indication of a bias towards these events is also very unfair.
Some of us choose to cope with those events by trying to move on, others find it easier to find resolve and absolute reason before feeling at rest. Regardless, understand that our views will never fully coincide. Understand that we certainly do wish to engage in discussions about the delicate state of the world, provided they remain constructive.
Posted By: Bhopx
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 4:01pm
this stuff just pisses me off because the way i look at it, these
people who would dishonor the brave people that died that day by making
up these rediculous conspiracy theories in an attempt to get their 15
min of fame by recruiting gullible idiots, are vile human beings. they
dont believe this BS they are shelling out, they are just losers
looking for their 15 min of fame. you're basically saying that the
brave actions of those aboard Flight 93 is a complete fabrication? that
these people dont exist? some of this stuff is just obscene.
Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 4:19pm
To be fair, no one really knows (as in concrete definitive 100% substantial proof) what happened on flight 93..
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I'm not going to go about claiming some top secret skunkworks UFO built coopertatively by the US and Romania shot it down.....but I also couldn't say with 100% certainty that I believe anything I'm told about it, because there is no proof..
I don't think this was some huge overblown conspiracy, but I also am fully aware of how f**ked up and dirty this administration is..... So, I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.
-bullet buffer-
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 12/September/2006 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by solitary00
To be fair, no one really knows (as in concrete definitive 100% substantial proof) what happened on flight 93..
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I'm not going to go about claiming some top secret skunkworks UFO built coopertatively by the US and Romania shot it down.....but I also couldn't say with 100% certainty that I believe anything I'm told about it, because there is no proof..
I don't think this was some huge overblown conspiracy, but I also am fully aware of how f**ked up and dirty this administration is..... So, I guess I'm somewhere in the middle.