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PC probs, Masta Fayaz where are thou?

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Topic: PC probs, Masta Fayaz where are thou?
Posted By: Guests
Subject: PC probs, Masta Fayaz where are thou?
Date Posted: 02/June/2006 at 2:06am
I haven't touched anything on my PC, I reguarly defrag etc.. I updated my drivers, used driver cleaner as usual, registry cleaner. I went from the Cat 6.5 Radeon Drivers back to the 6.4, then to the 6.3 ATI drivers... and I'm geting artifacting :(

My video card is a Ati Radeon 1900 XT
CPU AMD 4000 +
Memory, Patriot 2GB Dual channel twins 3-3-3-8-1T
SB Audigy 2

GPU 48-50C Under load
CPU 45-48C Under Load
Motherboard 43C Under load

+5 @ 5.1v under load
+3.3 @ 3.3 something under load
+12 @ 12 something under load

Any help would be greatly apreciated guys, especially Fayaz :)

Thanks in advance,
- ReT

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 02/June/2006 at 2:13am

ive seen this happen to me, when i try to set 'Reserved Textures' too high.

i suggest you put it at half of what your Vidio card has. ( Grafix -> advanced )

Posted By: NakataH
Date Posted: 02/June/2006 at 3:55am
i got that a while ago, me and tybo dropped on a tower, firstly the door was invisible and all the area around doors were white like that


Posted By: ReTiCuLe
Date Posted: 02/June/2006 at 5:04pm
Ah, atleast I don't feel alone lol. Between my razer copperhead dieing twice and now this, I'm tempted to sell my PC :/. Verdant, I just lowered it to 128mb, hopefully that works :). Thanks for the help guys.

- ReT

Posted By: TrangOul
Date Posted: 02/June/2006 at 5:09pm
hmm that happened to me only once while in teh cehvs...


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