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Buff AA

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Printed Date: 11/March/2025 at 6:06pm

Topic: Buff AA
Posted By: fenix
Subject: Buff AA
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 12:31am
and by AA, i mean Alcoholics Anonymous! after drinkin tonight, i realized how much fun it would be to have a plaenstide drinking game! however, my lack of abstract thought led me to no conclusions. i asked the online 'lords what their ideas were, but to no avail. so, pardon my inebriation, but what ideas can you come up with?

i thought of dueling and taking a drink everytime you die.. but that would make for a quick pass-out drunk. so any other ideas? come up with something good


Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 12:35am

drink every time you win a duel

That way it'll get progessively harder

Maybe have a drink everytime you get a starfire lock...


Teh Nibblies

Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 1:52am

you want fenix dead dont you






tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 2:31am
your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with explosives.

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.

Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 2:59am
lol if i drank this would be awesome!


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 3:26am

Originally posted by Fidelio

your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with a Boomer. ( fixed )

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.


Fid, That sound like a plan :) as long as you join us :P

Posted By: maxaris
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 3:42am

Originally posted by Fidelio

your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with explosives.

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.



Im down for that

Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 4:10am
haha, great ideas, except for the starfire lock.... i value my life 


Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 4:31pm
Sry VF, I never touch the sauce (anymore). 

Posted By: NakataH
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 6:09pm
Originally posted by Fidelio

your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with explosives.

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.

shots yes?


Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 14/April/2006 at 9:48pm
Originally posted by NakataH

Originally posted by Fidelio

your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with explosives.

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.

shots yes?

i heard the s-word!


Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 16/April/2006 at 7:02am
Originally posted by NakataH

Originally posted by Fidelio

your squad takes a drink for every knife kill you get in regular combat.

your squad takes a drink for every 4+ kill you get with explosives.

the last midget to arrive for a resecure/hack takes a drink.

anyone caught in a bfr takes 2 drinks.

2 drinks for each time you bail in a dogfight.

shots yes?

Vodka shots plz.


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