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Pirates of the Burning Sea

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Forum Name: Other Games
Forum Discription: Misc. Gaming Discussion
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Topic: Pirates of the Burning Sea
Posted By: Midnyght
Subject: Pirates of the Burning Sea
Date Posted: 12/February/2008 at 8:49pm
Any Pirates out there?
Going to give this game a try for a few. Looks interesting.. Pvp Ship battles look cool. The only thing that has me worried is its a SOE subbed game..but not made by SOE...launches by SOE. -
I will let you know more as I play it.

Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 13/February/2008 at 8:53am
Thumbs down.

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 18/February/2008 at 7:57pm
i bought this game as well

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 18/February/2008 at 8:37pm
I am on Morgan as a Pirate, Name is Laylos Thomaslane


Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 18/February/2008 at 8:42pm
im patching right now.  is it possible to play as more than one faction?  I planned to play with france(maybe spain?) as ive heard they have the lowest population and thus the most enemies.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 18/February/2008 at 11:03pm
I think it is possible I haven't tried.


Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 19/February/2008 at 12:36am
In case anyone else picks this up im also a pirate on morgan an the named Norman Byron

Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 20/February/2008 at 8:03am
I think ill be picking it up when i am on my way home from work.
Play some cod4 with me and Verdant some more !

Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 20/February/2008 at 4:41pm
Post your captains name when hes created foolio

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 21/February/2008 at 10:02am

arr we be jamin in the carribean mateys.

Williams and I hammered down some ships last night was definitly more fun and better together.


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 21/February/2008 at 6:32pm
some screenshots


Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 21/February/2008 at 8:47pm
I'm downright offended that my outstandingly designed avatar is not in any of those photos mid...  weak

Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 24/February/2008 at 12:49am
In case anyone decides to join us in our sailing adventures, Laylos and I have changed servers.  We now are playing as Spaniards on the Rackham server.  My name is Ceaser Fernand and Laylos is Laylos Lane.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 25/February/2008 at 3:37pm
I was thinking about getting a second account for ship building. The player driven economy/crafting system is the best I've seen.


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 25/February/2008 at 7:13pm
Here is why its so good.
Craftable items are the best in game, sure they sell civilain ships but they are much lesser versions of the craftable ones. Ship upgrades can't be bought at any vendor, ammo is much cheaper to buy off players in the AH. Everything from food, ammo, ship up grades, to ships can be all craftable. There is no farming for materials, it is like RTS game when it comes to materials. Here is an overview how it all works:
You get 10 slots per server to build structors at free ports. These structors can be used to mine minerals, growing cops, hunt for leather, raising livestock, creating metal, wood, cloth items, black powder, weapons, ammo ect. Since you only have 10 slots you must find the market which you want to aim at, because there is only 10 slots per server (not character) for ship building you need 38 slots so its impossible for 1 player to make everything he/she needs to build a ship. It is impossible for 1 player to have everything unless he had like 4 seperate accounts...this is what drives the economy because everyone has to buy off everyone else. So to build a structor you need a deed there is 2 building that creates structor deeds they can be bought off other players or found off enemy ships but its very scarece. Some deeds are given as quest rewards in the economy turtorial to start you out. So these building also need raw materials to build which you will most likely have to buy of other players. So after you build you stuctors they start to build up labor hours...1 hour is equal to 1 hour IRL. This part I like the most because if I am not playing I am building up labor hours and there is no competing for farming....its beatiful. So if I want to get a bunch of iron...I just wait till it has 1 hour of labor and I go to the port that the Iron mine is at and generate the ore...which also cost a small amount of gold. After that I load it in my ship and take it to my base of operation. Everyone has there main base port which is where you want to have the most buildings and generate your goods at. Its time consuming if they are spread out but also if they are spread out then there is lower risk if another Nation attacks the free port. God help me and Williams if someone attacks Sissil. So you play the game while you wait for your labor hours to build up then you take 30 mins to go to your ports and gather everything you need and generate your crafted items and put them in the AH.
Another question is about gold...if you need all this gold to make items, build, and buy items how do you get it? Well you get it by selling items made and by doing missions or destroying enemy ships. You get 200-400 gold for destroying an enemy ship at level 12. You get 400-600 gold for completing a mission at level 12 not including what you get off ships you destory in the mission. Its easy to do a mission and walk away with 1000 gold. So you see there is enough gold to around to drive the economy...its not rare which is an adjustment I had to make coming from WoW...its no big deal speading 400-1000 gold. I already had 20,000 gold on my character at one point. Since its not hard and materials are not time consuming to generate or make usually they are at more the fair 1 limestone is only 10 gold and players more free and open to buying items.
Another question is about traveling...if you have ports to go to how long does it take. Well the game is realistic in traveling but not in time. This is one of the fun aspects of the game cause you travel by your boat. Here is where you move through enemies, attack them, run away from them and so forth. The speed of your ship depends on 3 factors:
1. Wind direction - you need the wind to be blowing sideways into your sails for the fastest speed. Wind direction changes a bit depending on where you are, like the wind in gulf of mexico is slighly different then the carribean islands and also by time sometimes wind is blowing in shore and 2 hours later it will be blowing away from shore.
2. Currents - currents appear on and off and give you an increase in speed and no decrease when going against the current.
3. Ships speed - based on your ship depends how fast.
If you have multiple ships in your dry dock and one is at one port and another is at another port you can jump to that other port that your ships in a flash, but you can only leave a port with a ship that is dock at that port.
So thats my overview of this game so far...I am really enjoying it, but I have yet to touch on pvp because I have not got into it as of yet still experiencing other aspects.


Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 25/February/2008 at 7:40pm
Another thing he did not mention concerning the economy is that to build a structure at any given port, that port must be able to support it.  By this I mean that you cannot build a iron mine at every port, only those with iron deposits are options.  This in turn means that at certain ports buying resources will be cheaper, or more expensive, than at other ports or parts of the world.  Buying Iron at sisal is extremely costly due to there being no Iron nearby.  For this reason I own an Iron mine at Tampico and ship the iron that Mid an I use to sisal myself, selling off whatever I have left to those who are too lazy to go to a better buying location.  Understanding supply an demand are vital due to the fact that you can only see nearby ports costs for things on the broker, and even though you can buy from a port you are not currently at, you have to sail there to pick it up to have it.  

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 25/February/2008 at 11:20pm
since you guys are selling this game harcore... i might try it out... in 2 weeks, im going to have lots of free time then ( loosing my job at Chrysler... get payed 800$ a week till Septembre for sitting on my arse, woot )

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 26/February/2008 at 12:01am
Spain needs all the help they can get from what williams and I have seen the map been changing. Camp. is supposed to be Spanish but we lost it at some point. Also we have no zinc or copper resources at the moment because those ports have been taken as well. We are both edging to get into some pvp hopefully in more levels...around 30 is when I heard is the best to start getting into it.
Strat just picked it up...also there doesn't seem to be a level restriction to missions from what I understand the mission takes average of levels and balances the hardness based on them kind of like CoH. So when you guys start we could have fun doing some.


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 26/February/2008 at 3:52pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

since you guys are selling this game harcore... i might try it out... in 2 weeks, im going to have lots of free time then ( loosing my job at Chrysler... get payed 800$ a week till Septembre for sitting on my arse, woot )
Oh yeah I am not selling this game just providing your research before you play cause I don't want ya wasting the money if you don't like it.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 26/February/2008 at 7:57pm
il try it out... my sister is currently at work at this moment, she works at EB games, im telling her to pick it up... she finishes at like 9:30

Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 26/February/2008 at 8:19pm
I was selling it...

/shrug I like you guys

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 26/February/2008 at 10:01pm
Games installed and all...
sombody could have told me it was an SoE game heh.
the dam launcher keeps crashing on me, i have no idea why
Edit: Updating... completed in.. 3 years? heh. 1 hour...
Edit2: Pirate name -> Verdant Verala
i couldent think of a last name, so i just hit random for a while :P
how do i join you guys?

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 27/February/2008 at 12:18am
Originally posted by Midnyght

Any Pirates out there?
Going to give this game a try for a few. Looks interesting.. Pvp Ship battles look cool. The only thing that has me worried is its a SOE subbed game..but not made by SOE...launches by SOE. -
I will let you know more as I play it.
In my first post man about the game.
Also we are all Spain on Rackham so you got to roll a Spain too my name is Laylos Lane, add me to your friends list. Send us a tell. Right now we got willaims, me, strat, and phatty (hyich) playing.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 27/February/2008 at 1:01am
omfg... i dont know what happeend, but my charecter was somehow created on blackbeard instaid of rackham.. im sure it clicked on rackham... dam it.
and yeah, i guess you did tell us heh, i remember reading that too...
my bad experience with them just made me want to forget them completly

Posted By: Williams
Date Posted: 28/February/2008 at 9:09am
Just so you guys know, I'll be gone till about monday or tuesday.  I gotta go act like an Iraqi taxi driver for a training mission we are supporting. 

Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 28/February/2008 at 12:40pm

Its fun in the open Sea lol. Iv'e been cap'n Los Landros Pirates  that sail around near vara cruz lol.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 28/February/2008 at 1:54pm
Yarrr! We got ourselves a small fleet starting.


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 29/February/2008 at 2:15pm

Hey I need some help

Vote on my sail: -

and flag: -


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 01/March/2008 at 12:32pm
I took Strat for the long sail from Gulf to San Jaun as we dogde the big ships winding in and out of the currents and winds. We barely made it with our lives in tack. Soon as we got off the ship I caught Strat with the ladies.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 01/March/2008 at 3:14pm
i made that treck, it wasent that hard heh
i might be on later tonight... lots of stuff going on today
buy a cheap ship and leave it there so the next time you need to go, you dont need to waste 45 minuts again

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 04/March/2008 at 1:37pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

i made that treck, it wasent that hard heh
i might be on later tonight... lots of stuff going on today
buy a cheap ship and leave it there so the next time you need to go, you dont need to waste 45 minuts again
Yeah its not a bad trip, can be fun with more people, the treck by yourself sucks.
Also vote on these if ya get a chance: - - -


Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 08/March/2008 at 9:51pm -
Here's the production spreadsheet:
Greate a gmail account, post your username here and I'll add it to the list of shared users.  That way, you'll be able to edit the spreadsheet.

Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 11/March/2008 at 4:10pm
Flag designs.

These are not textured or anything. I just wanted to get an idea of the composition and the colouring. Verdant already gave me some feedback on them but I figured you guys might want to take a look at them:

And then I had some fun...

I'll be making some modifications on the cavalier and add cloth and stitching patterns once I get settled with a design.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 12:59pm
You might want to go whites and greys and black as colors so the flag can be colored how every you want such as the greys will be darker color and white would be brighter color. This way if you want to switch colors don't have to make a new design and get it approved.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 1:53pm
Midnight, i think thats for Sails only, i dont think it works that way for flags...
and even if it was possible, if the entire flag was whites greys and blacks, we only pick 1 colour, so it would be shades of the same colour... and that wouldent make a verry good flag anyway
Besides, colours are easily changed, question is, what Desing do you like better?
i like the last one ( well, the last two, they are the same with different colours )
or maybe you have other suggestions for the flag? ( this goes for everybody whos playin )

Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 4:31pm
Confirmed; the dynamic colour feature is for sails only.

Here's an idea how it's going to look like:

This is THE size it's going to be.

PS - I fixed that fourth leg, you happy?

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 6:43pm
yes verry :D

too bad its that small heh
i love the detailing you put in, well worn in look heh

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 8:38pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

Midnight, i think thats for Sails only, i dont think it works that way for flags...
and even if it was possible, if the entire flag was whites greys and blacks, we only pick 1 colour, so it would be shades of the same colour... and that wouldent make a verry good flag anyway

It is possible because when you go to customize ship there is color selection for flag...guess we will see...heck even with that light bue you could pick yellow and blue will be green or light orange and it will be dark red...but anyways I like the design with the big one in the back ground the best and the weather effects makes it look quality. Good job.

I've also noticed that haven't approved anything all week, so I think they are waiting for the new approval system that comes out at the end of the month.


Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 12/March/2008 at 9:03pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

yes verry :D

too bad its that small heh
i love the detailing you put in, well worn in look heh
Most of the details is gone due to size... not that you could see the stitching in-game anyways.

Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 14/March/2008 at 8:03pm
good flag but they wont recognize the outlining of the horse :(

Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 15/March/2008 at 4:20am
The horse is still easily recognizable at size of 23x15. It starts to get hard to see when you get to 15x10 and bellow.

Here's a preview of what we would see in the distance: -

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 15/March/2008 at 7:58pm
vote on this while your at it -


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 16/March/2008 at 12:48pm
From what I understand they are going to try and clean up all submitted content starting on Wednesday.


Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 19/March/2008 at 3:33pm
I won't be playing PotBS until an issue with my subscription is resolved.
Hopefully sooner than later...

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 19/March/2008 at 6:01pm
What issue?  Could you give us a heads up if it's SOE's fault?


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 20/March/2008 at 2:24pm
Yeah it was SoE, but nothing serious.   Just the annoying transition from trial to subscription.

Posted By: dr0ss
Date Posted: 23/March/2008 at 7:42pm
picked up PotBS, and i made a spaniard on rackham. the names Della Morte. so let me know if you feel like adopting a noob ;)


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 12:21am
WOOT! dude, we where just talking about you the other day..

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 11:37am
Nice man!


Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 1:00pm
Woot !

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 1:09pm
Instead of Spanish being last they are second pushing for first on the server.
Would be cool to get a win.


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 2:00pm
Originally posted by dr0ss

picked up PotBS, and i made a spaniard on rackham. the names Della Morte. so let me know if you feel like adopting a noob ;)

My drinking buddy! 


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 24/March/2008 at 4:37pm
Originally posted by dr0ss

picked up PotBS, and i made a spaniard on rackham. the names Della Morte. so let me know if you feel like adopting a noob ;)
where the hell have you been dross?   jebus man.     all we need now is ap0ck and we have a party!.

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 25/March/2008 at 12:21pm
I think dr0ss was lying.  


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Holt
Date Posted: 25/March/2008 at 3:50pm
Wow apock havent heard that name tossed out in a while

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 25/March/2008 at 4:23pm
Originally posted by solitary00

I think dr0ss was lying.  
nah most likely he created a guy because we can add him to the friends list then he played it for like 30 mins when he was like drunk and thought it was great and posted. Then he played it for 5 mins sober and thought, "wtf was I thinking" and


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 25/March/2008 at 5:55pm
Originally posted by Midnyght

Originally posted by solitary00

I think dr0ss was lying.  
nah most likely he created a guy because we can add him to the friends list then he played it for like 30 mins when he was like drunk and thought it was great and posted. Then he played it for 5 mins sober and thought, "wtf was I thinking" and
sounds like the last couple of times i re-subed to planetside...

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 26/March/2008 at 11:22pm
yarrr! we took back Campache to night


Posted By: dr0ss
Date Posted: 27/March/2008 at 5:59am
Originally posted by Midnyght

Originally posted by solitary00

I think dr0ss was lying.  
nah most likely he created a guy because we can add him to the friends list then he played it for like 30 mins when he was like drunk and thought it was great and posted. Then he played it for 5 mins sober and thought, "wtf was I thinking" and


Posted By: dr0ss
Date Posted: 27/March/2008 at 6:09am
my gf got me into the game. it looks like alot of fun, but im not sure ive got the patiance to learn a new game. i was kinda looking for a leg up. i can always go back to CoV ;) how can i get in touch with you guys in game?


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 27/March/2008 at 4:33pm
most of us have aded you to our buddy list, you just havent been online when we have been

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 01/April/2008 at 8:00pm

Are flag has been approved YARRRR! -

Also my sail has been approved. -


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 13/April/2008 at 8:34pm
are we done with the game? I never seen anyone on vent anymore?


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 13/April/2008 at 11:14pm
seams like :/

i just cant find the enery go log on anymore

was kidna fun while it lasted
but the PvP being only for the endgamers sucks

Posted By: GixYawgmoth
Date Posted: 14/April/2008 at 1:55am
I'm still playing.   Although it seems nobody is on while I'm am. Since I'm questing on my own, I'm just taking the time to read everything and soak in the lore.

Its not bad. Just not addictive.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 14/April/2008 at 2:01pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

seams like :/

i just cant find the enery go log on anymore

was kidna fun while it lasted
but the PvP being only for the endgamers sucks
For sure,
I know Strats done, I was going to venture into another game since Pirates missions and repeatable content is boring the shit out of me and from what I understand they never planned on spending money to develope that game...they will tweak it but its not changing.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 14/April/2008 at 3:24pm

this game is worth going back too i would think... in 1997-98 i payed 12$ a month for it, now its completly free :P lol. Space Combat with some RTS trown in ( Kinda like Savage if you have ever played it ) All PvP. - )

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 16/April/2008 at 1:37pm
Well I am going to be messing around in Tabula Rasa for now since I never got a chance to try the completed version and I enjoyed the beta since Pirates is done and I am not playing WoW.


Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 16/April/2008 at 3:13pm

'Pirates' Walking the Plank?

Posted by Ty Colfax - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:26 AM

A mere 3 months after the retail release of Pirates of the Burning Sea, some of the servers that house the universe are shutting down. 7 out of 11 total drives that hold the burning seas will walk the plank so that players can experience a "higher density" when playing.

So for folks who are a purveyor of the burning seas, this should make them a little more burningery and hopefully it doesn't signal an eventual collapse. It would be one of the bigger implosions in MMO history so we can't say we're opposed as we love the fireworks of a good epic failure. But uh… good luck to them. - 7 Of 11 Pirates Of The Burning Sea Servers Shut Down

Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 16/April/2008 at 3:17pm
Yeah I am done with pirates :( it became to repetative.
after seeing the same location 45 different times only renamed something else it kind of put me in a comma. so yes i am done with that pirates. I resubbed to wow for a total of 3 hours. before that was promptly cancelled. I quickly realized it was a mistake when i first logged in haha.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 16/April/2008 at 3:50pm
Well I will still try to be on vent when playing other pc games.


Posted By: Hvzeda
Date Posted: 20/April/2008 at 11:26pm
Sorry to hear you all left PotBS.  I'm staying for one more month until AoC comes out.  Been trying out the pirate nation on Antigua.  Decent society there and they pvp quite regularly from level 30 on up.  Known as Charity Vain there on Antigua.
Since they went to 4 servers, been trying to get the right characters transferred to one of the four.  Going have to delete some characters for good unfortantely.
Cya later and maybe roads will cross in the future.

Contessa Segura, Privateer

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 21/April/2008 at 1:53pm
Keep an eye on the forums Contessa hope to see ya in other games.


Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 24/April/2008 at 9:00pm
Originally posted by Strat

I resubbed to wow for a total of 3 hours. before that was promptly cancelled. I quickly realized it was a mistake when i first logged in haha.



Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 25/April/2008 at 7:59am

soooo i tried it again wednesday. !  theres nothing else to do ! i want mythos/may pick up helgate london. Other than that Ive been playing halo for the majority of the time.

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 25/April/2008 at 1:38pm
world in conflict anyone?

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 25/April/2008 at 3:57pm
Originally posted by Fidelio

world in conflict anyone?
is that a game or you talking about strat?
If you are talking about a
If you are talking about Strat...I think so..hehe
Can't wait for some new stuff to come out, though Tabula Rasa is good fit for now, and its exciting, fun, and fast pace.


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 25/April/2008 at 4:56pm
i have a Hellgate London account, if you can fidn the torrent, i can give you my info
i dont know much about world in conflict, i think it has allot to do with nukes and missiles.. -

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 27/April/2008 at 4:58pm
it's an rts but with team multiplayer, but no resource gathering.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 28/April/2008 at 1:55pm
I see...not exactly the game I am waiting for Fid. It did look good but if I was going to play an rts I would pick up warhammer or beat C&C 4.


Posted By: Hvzeda
Date Posted: 29/April/2008 at 12:09am

Have a Hellgate London account.  Something to log in to do something different.

Contessa Segura, Privateer

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 29/April/2008 at 1:54pm
I almost picked it up myself but I am limited on funds for a bit and I bought TR few weeks ago.


Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 29/April/2008 at 9:31pm
ive been playing that recently Contessa,  look up stratsy next time your on.

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