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Outfit Night - Kamikaze Cloaker Christmas

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Topic: Outfit Night - Kamikaze Cloaker Christmas
Posted By: Preach
Subject: Outfit Night - Kamikaze Cloaker Christmas
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 6:16pm
This Friday night @ 9pm EST (6pm PST) we will be having an outfit event night to celebrate the holidays. The theme for the night will be "Kamikaze Cloaker Christmas", and is sure to be a lot of fun.

The premise is we will all be cloakers (obviously), using primarily plasma grenades to spread the wonderful green holiday color to as many grinchy enemies as possible. We will also be using scat pistols to insta-gib those who have been naughty. I would like for us to do "gang bangs" on people, attacking them with as many cloakers as possible at once.

Friends of 1CMM are more than welcome to participate and share in the holiday joy. Hope to see everyone there!

Posted By: razor851
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 6:32pm
Sounds fun Preach, if I get my new computer by then, ill be sure to make it. Would it be cool if I invited a few of my buddies to join us? 


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 6:34pm
i Forsee many many a hate tell for this holiday season. :)

Posted By: Interpol
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 6:38pm
Superb. I'm in, mehng, see you then.

By the way, I hate the new spell check!

Posted By: LaptiNek
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 7:02pm
it's my Dad's company Christmas party and I have to go

Baron Sengir, Ahriman Corps

Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 7:09pm

 > -

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: WeAre138
Date Posted: 18/December/2006 at 11:55pm
Sounds like fun.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 19/December/2006 at 8:04am
thats my birthday! but ill try and drop in


Posted By: NakataH
Date Posted: 19/December/2006 at 1:54pm
gang bang :O


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 19/December/2006 at 5:21pm
*looks at place of work and flips the bird, hangs head, and mumbles toself.* Work sucks!


Posted By: P00Lsin
Date Posted: 21/December/2006 at 11:20am
lol sounds like fun, i don't think i've ever certed/used cloaker in game in all of the 2 1/2 years i've played :P, just don't plasma urselves :P

Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 22/December/2006 at 4:27pm
I will be on for most if not all of it. My parents arent lettimg me go out because my grandparents are coming over for dinner. 


Posted By: darkshadow
Date Posted: 22/December/2006 at 4:32pm
i cant make it  im expecting to get done at 2am if you guys are still going

Posted By: Navus
Date Posted: 23/December/2006 at 3:34am
Originally posted by darkshadow

i cant make it  im expecting to get done at 2am if you guys are still going

i ran into you guys at wele, once i figured out it was you guys i just up and left the base. Then you max crashed the gen at bomazi

Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 23/December/2006 at 5:23am
hehe yes we did.
Quick summary of the damage done in about 4-5 hours of pwnage:(order a little fuzzy it's late..)
When we had Bomazi at 13%NC(first thing we did around 6pm PST) we ran around looking for stuff to overwhelm with maxes and whatnot, like the 3 bfrs we slaughtered.
 Took Wele(the base you smartly gave up on lol)
Dropped and HELD Bomazi gen for like 10min, while the slow NC zerged moved into the powerless base and took it. But at one point in teh gen, we had like 4 maxes at 30% armor,a nd Stairway(MONEY!!!) was down to 10% rep juice, and was our only softy.
Dropped and held the southern most TR gen, but only a couple lame TR showed up, so we scrapped that.
2.) Took a base in cave, was boring as heck. Left
3.)Ishundar: MUAHAH! We HARTED in to resecure a yellow alert at Baal with about 12 maxes, couple rexo(EoB/Goffin) and EVO(MVP MVP MVP!!!!) and wtfpwned the CC versus about 20 rexo+5maxes.
They pushed us down somehow again, and we did the same thing by grouping up and crushing the CC yet again.
3rd attempt was versus a Orange, and we almost had CC versus some entrenched (and pissed off TR) and they droped our gen/tubes on us, so we left.
4.) Earlier, we crushed Naum BD into gen(despite getting trapped by locked down TR maxes for a bit) and finished that cont up.)Then we moved to Cyssor..
One thing we didnt really do was an ATV/Fury attack on any armor.


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 28/December/2006 at 5:06am">


Posted By: razor851
Date Posted: 28/December/2006 at 6:59pm

Seing ChaosCommando online makes me heavy in meh pants!!! Srsly.


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