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My Red Bull Tower

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Printed Date: 17/March/2025 at 2:51am

Topic: My Red Bull Tower
Posted By: Midnyght
Subject: My Red Bull Tower
Date Posted: 07/August/2008 at 6:43pm
Not sure if you guys remembered me talking about this.
From 12/1/2007-25/1/2008 my boss promised a big customer a big project with an impossible deadline inwhich we had to work pretty much extra hours strait with no days off...not even weekends off. I ended up working 171 hours inorder to complete it on time. I have an 30-45min comute to and from work so I pretty much worked, slept, then worked. Project was completed and I ended up making a little bonus off it. During this time I started to drink Red Bull inorder to keep wake and focused. I started building a Red Bull Can tower. Since then I been adding to it about a can a day. Its been kind of an icon at the company. I have moved its location from one side of my office to the other because of its growing size.

Today I finished the 8th layer of the Red Bull Tower.

Tomorrow I will be starting the 9th layer which will take 6 weeks and 3 days to complete at 1 can a day.

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 4:54pm
how are your kidneys? 

send red bull the pic, maybe they'll sponsor your extreme office work!!!1

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 10:43am

Kidneys are good....8 oz Red Bull has the same amount of caffeen as 2 cups of coffee. It pretty much has same as other energy drinks such as B and so forth. The only difference is Tourine. Tourine has been proven not to be harmfull...but you'll never know I guess I will be one to find out...but I drink plenty of water also.

I been on the Red Bull site and cant find anyway to submit them the picture.


Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 1:32pm
you're going to get fat.

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 2:52pm
actually I am losing weight...lost 20bls.Tourine increase the metabolic rate.


Posted By: hackingsniper
Date Posted: 12/August/2008 at 10:35pm
congrats on the weight loss and very nice on the tower

Posted By: hackingsniper
Date Posted: 12/August/2008 at 10:35pm
Originally posted by Goffin

you're going to get PHAT.


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