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Finally got one!!

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Topic: Finally got one!!
Posted By: TrangOul
Subject: Finally got one!!
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 4:44pm

Last one on the shelves!! 456gbs of pure ownage!!


Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 5:15pm



like what lvl are ya?

Teh Nibblies

Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 6:43pm
that game is teh suck


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 6:56pm
A cleverly named WoW pet... now there is something you don't see every day!



Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 7:02pm


Posted By: TrangOul
Date Posted: 16/January/2006 at 10:29pm
wewt! smiley faces for all the love for wow :D


Posted By: Fayaz
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 7:56am

This makes me  and

In all seriousness, WoW is a decent game, probably the most polished MMO out there. Maybe it's too good - people end up playing 12+ hours a day for weeks and then they get sick of it.

I think many people - particularly the PS community - illspeak of WoW simply because they are aware that it affected PS pops in some way, and those who played it are somewhat disillusioned by that massive "downer" feeling you get once you reach level 50ish-60, where quests become rarer and tougher, and group-based PvE/PvP and/or end-game instances/equipment become the only real form of entertainment.

Unlike PS, it's a game of diminishing returns. So much fun at first, but 5 months just to get one item by the end... Planetside is the opposite: terrible K/Ds for new players, but increasingly satisfying for the veteran who can dominate in bases/towers/air.

The debate about the presence of skill is all relative of course - WoW suggests a need to know your template/timings and make decisions based on knowledge embedded in experience.... Planetside requires quick decisions, almost reflexes if you will, seperated from experience, but rather by gut instinct, since anything can go wrong (or right).

Ah well, hope you have fun in WoW Trang, here's to hoping you'll come back to PS in the near future. We miss ya


Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 10:56am
Every time I read a fayaz post,  I gain +1 intellect

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 11:59am
My problem with WoW was the amount of time you have to dedicate to it.

I'm constantly on call for work and have a ton of stuff that I have to do in the evenings.  I may have to go afk on a moments notice (as most of you have probably seen a lot lately).  Not to mention sitting in front of a PC for 4-5 hours at a time to do an instance makes me feel horribly unproductive.

Posted By: NakataH
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 12:23pm
i would say after playing PS for 2 years, by that time you have been in pretty much every single situation possible and reactions and thoughts dont even need thinking about, its like walking.. it just happens (strafing for instance)

WoW for me was fun for a while when i was PvPing all day with AzK and his italian friends but when the time came to make my own character i just couldnt be bothered to put in the effort needed to gain lvl 60


Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 4:23pm
Yeah, I got to almost lvl 30 and then I just decided I didnt have the time.


Posted By: TrangOul
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 4:42pm

before fayaz's post = f**k TRANG AND WOW!!...

after fayaz's post = reasoning why they dislike the game.. in kinder words...


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 17/January/2006 at 5:10pm
No one is saying "F you!" Trang. We are saying "F WoW!"

Most of us PS players have WoW experience, and dislike the game a lot.


Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 18/January/2006 at 9:41am
lol trang you'll fall asleep while playing wow soon enough my brother!

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: Khemosabe
Date Posted: 18/January/2006 at 4:58pm

Get Scream to spot you the money to buy a mount then quit the game the next day.  He loves that sh*t!



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