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interesting art project

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Topic: interesting art project
Posted By: ap0ck
Subject: interesting art project
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 1:19am
i think its an interesting aproach to bring awareness. especially using a tax funded recruitment tool as the medium. - linky


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 1:38am
Tottaly agreed pock. Good find


Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 7:59am
I think those who have died in any conflict, whether it's one you agree with or not, should be respected, and not used to further personal goals. 

America's Army, as it is, is an awesome game.  The atmosphere is ultra realistic and encourages team play to the extreme, but ultimately, AA is just that: a game.  The same way SOE gives you a free 30 days hoping that you'll continue to give them money; the Army gives everyone free online play, hoping that they may encourage those already thinking about joining the army, to join.  And joining any of the branches does not necessarily mean that you will be placed in Iraq. 

I don't really see how this is art, because there is no real expression from the artist that I can see, other than the typical anti-Iraq sentiment.   He's playing a game made by someone else and typing in the names of fallen US personnel; these names should be respected and honored, not used to further his own view point.  It's just a protest, not art.

Everyone knows that America's Army is tax funded, that is why the game is free.  I don't know about you, but I like free, and the game is quite good & worth playing.  A recruitment officer is also tax funded, and his job is to recruit... there is no secrets here. 

I find it equally distasteful for politicians to try 'n' gain votes by harping on the tragedy of others, as well.   Either way, there is no easy way out of the issue at hand, and the way to really be beneficial, is not to continually bring up the same old mantra of the past, but to look for forward-looking solutions.  If I fail at doing something the first time around, it benefits me not to continue to whine and complain about my failure, but rather, if I were to learn from the experience and then proceed to fix the problem at hand, then that would be the most beneficial response.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 9:52am
I don't see this as "art" at all. It is rather distasteful in my opinion.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 1:26pm
jban. i find it equally distastefull how the army is using this game as a recruitment tool for kids, i mean for the most part its gonna be young impressionable people who are going to play that game, yes its fun, and thats its intent, it doesnt look at how poeple die when fightting a war, if anythin it adds more realism than physics or hit detection ever will.

and it may be distastefull, however hes doing more than the american army is doing about awareness. they would rather have it swept under the rug and forgotten. its not something that they want to advertise but in doing that , i think it opens the door for your troops to be forgetten easier.


Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 1:45pm
The Army isnt trying to hide deaths in Iraq "by sweeping it under the rug", they acknowledge the fallen every day. I dont see how people expect us to go to war and not have cassualties and find it shocking when x amount of troops were killed in a week.

As Jban said its unlikely that this game has actually made anyone join the army but may encourage thoughs who already are considering it. Whats wrong with the Army recruiting? We need soldiers and its not like people dont have the power of choice to enlist or not. 


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 2:50pm
unfortunatly your wrong stairway. there is confirmation that 28 percent of all visitors to the america's army site click throught to the recruitment site. now i know what your thinking (so what, there just clicking on to the site big deal doesnt mean there signing up). this line of thought is false, in 2003 19% of freshmen at the united states military academy had said they had played the game. in the 2 years following its realease enlistment quotas were met. in contrast to 1999 where recruiting numbers hit there lowest point in 30 yrs . now im not discounting 911's affect on enrolment however i think its clear that it does have an impact.
another reason why i like the project is because the makers of america's army its is "realistic" which it is not.
no matter what my opinion is theres also no doubt that video propaganda is here to stay , weather right or wrong. its also very good at what it does. but


Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 3:18pm
Ok so the army is getting recruits, is that a bad thing? I guess I was wrong about the game affecting that but it is a tool for the Army to gain troops, and its doing its job. But as I said earlier these recruits have the freedom of choice and the chose to enlist. 


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 5:10pm
Interesting, and does seem more like protest than art.
As for the power of AA, people who want to join the military aren't won over by it completely, and unless they are a COMPLETE MORON, know the horrors of warfare before they sign.
IF they don't, then that's an issue with the recruiter and his friends/family who helped him decide, not a video game.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:28pm
i think you overestimate the intelligence of the average person tybo.

and stairway your right, it is a tool, however i dont agree how there going about recruiting. but whatever my opinion is it wont change anything.
and thats not why i made my original post, i just found it an interesting piece, and of course its up for debate/opinion on its artistic merit.
recently here in town there was a show where the artist was in a room where she was naked standing there, the art was in peoples reaction to the naked girl as they entered the room.  different no doubt, but theres still artistic merit to her "show".


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:35pm
I fully realize I have a completely biased opinion towards the military and the US government. I love the US military, I love our government, and I love our leaders. Do they always make the right decisions? Of course not. They are only human, but that is our system, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm very critical of those who speak ill (via verbal, written, or other forms of communication) of the US government, and especially our armed forces. But one of the main reasons myself and many others serve (whether they know it or not) is to protect the freedom of speech which us Americans hold so dear.

Do I agree with what this person is doing? No. I think it is in very poor taste. But it is his/her right to express themselves freely. As cheesy as it sounds though, the "freedom" of speech doesn't come freely, and it upsets me when people take that for granted and cr@p on the military.


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:39pm
probably right abou the intelligence part.
After all, what percentage of our armed forces is made up of the lower-class, poorly educated masses?


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:45pm
Are you seriously saying the military is comprised of mostly uneducated (ie: stupid) people? That is just completely ignorant.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:52pm
no preach its not ignorant. its a fact that the majority of the military is made up from people who are from those backgrounds. often because they dont have access to the opprotunities that your classic white middle/upper class have. ie secondary education,access to higher paying jobs etc
not to say the military is a dead end job, no doubt it offers far more opprotunities than would normaly be available. however it doesnt come with out risk.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:54pm
Sorry, but you are completely, and 100% incorrect. That is one of the most ignorant statements to make; that the US military is comprised of uneducated and stupid people.

Because according to your logic non Caucasians are stupid, and those non Caucasians make up the bulk of the US military. See how ignorant that is?

Please know what you are talking about before making such baseless and incorrect statements.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 8:59pm
i disagree. please stop puttin words in my mouth. i didnt say that they were all stupid and uneducated people, or that caucasions are stupid. but for a large portion of people who dont have many other options than joining the military.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 9:01pm
You didn't say that? Are you kidding me? Scroll up and read what you typed. I am not putting any words in your mouth.


Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 9:01pm
Wow Tybo you sure your not John Kerry (just kidding).
I totally agree with Preach, the armed forces is made up from people of all backgrounds. Yes there are some people from lower class who arent the most educated, but the military does have standards and they dont take just anyone. A perfect example of someone who was well off but joined the military was Pat Tillman.


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 03/January/2007 at 9:15pm
well after some polking around your right its not accurate to say poorer poeple. lower class etc. however most recruits do not have a secondary education which i think tybo was refereing too, and i stumbled with my wording.
however it is interesting how the wealthy/american leaders whether for/against dont have children enlisted.

"This progression from participation to evasion to near total absence bodes poorly for the future defense of America in the age of terror. When leaders of the past evoked the concept of shared sacrifice, few could doubt their sincerity. Sacrifice today is shared by a dwindling pool of citizens, most of them drawn from less affluent ranks of society. How long will soldiers follow where their leaders dare not go?"

Jules Tygiel.


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 04/January/2007 at 3:31am
Im willing to bet Preach is a republican.


Posted By: [Hoe]
Date Posted: 04/January/2007 at 8:40pm
Originally posted by Jersey

Im willing to bet Preach is a republican.
  Could be, I am. I'm with Preach that it is a little distasteful. Most of those soldiers died for a cause that they believed in. I dont know the best way to explain it, but they did not die so someone else could use there name to promote their own agenda.
  I have friends over there and some back from there.  Most of the soldiers I ask feel what they are doing in Iraq is for the greater good. If you dont like the war then go after Bush and his policies, if you think we are over there for oil then go after Bush for failing to produce any policies that will lessen our demand for fossil fuels.
  I voted for Bush, I really didnt like Kerry, and I could go on with alot of things Bush has done wrong without having to using the names of our soldiers who died doing there duty.It doesnt matter if you are for or against the war, remeber those names as soldiers who died for something and not as a tool.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 04/January/2007 at 9:57pm
I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I'm not anything really. I'm pro Military. :)


Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 05/January/2007 at 2:09am
Originally posted by Preach

I fully realize I have a completely biased opinion towards the military and the US government. I love the US military, I love our government, and I love our leaders. Do they always make the right decisions? Of course not. They are only human, but that is our system, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm very critical of those who speak ill (via verbal, written, or other forms of communication) of the US government, and especially our armed forces. But one of the main reasons myself and many others serve (whether they know it or not) is to protect the freedom of speech which us Americans hold so dear.

Do I agree with what this person is doing? No. I think it is in very poor taste. But it is his/her right to express themselves freely. As cheesy as it sounds though, the "freedom" of speech doesn't come freely, and it upsets me when people take that for granted and cr@p on the military.

very well said.

what do we do about the biased, basically the propaganda, news presented to us through the media on whats going on, then? a lot of my friends and relatives in the military that have been or are in iraq say that the war should not have happened simply because it should have been taken care of during bush sr's term; to clarify, they're for the fight. they say that what is shown on tv is so far from the truth that its distorting the civilian opinion.

personally, i dont know enough on the subject to make any decisions on my stance; but, im hoping you can enlighten me on my previous paragraph and give me your opinion on whats going on.


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 05/January/2007 at 3:45am


Posted By: [Hoe]
Date Posted: 05/January/2007 at 10:49am
Originally posted by Jersey

Walk to school


Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 07/January/2007 at 9:49am

?????????More like walk to work????????


Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 07/January/2007 at 9:51pm
Bike > walking.
i have 3 bikes, speed bike, mountain, and a stunt type bike. only time i ever use my car is when im going out on a date. evrething else is just a 10-20 minut bike ride ( 5-10 minut in a car )

Posted By: Jersey
Date Posted: 08/January/2007 at 12:34am

06 GSXR 600


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