So whats new in the last 2-3yrs with everyone?
-I got hitched to my long time gamer g/f ,3yrs in june. We have an 8 yr old beagle/basset mix we love to kids ftw!
-graduated spring 06 from oregon state with b.s. in history
-been working 2yrs at non profit group home. Solid benefits and security, but not ideall longterm. Looking into getting my teaching license finally.
-lived in rv for 8 months....froze balls high speed sucked
-lived in oregon city(portland area) in oregon last couple years
-gaming wise, currently subbed to dcuo(boring..), mistakenly bought cod;bo(old fast), and now I play ps with some nba2k11 sprinkled in.
-still huge blazer and beaver homer, the former just picked up my fav player gerald wallace!
I hope to play more nc too, they really need more veteran players, while vs/tr have plenty it seems. Always something special about bc as,well..the noble ethos and colors, the sheer power of weapons, and the fact I started on nc and spent more time on nc than other empires combined.