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Category: Public Forums
Forum Name: General Chat
Forum Discription: Talk about anything and everything
Printed Date: 04/February/2025 at 11:01am

Topic: nazis
Posted By: SNIKT
Subject: nazis
Date Posted: 05/December/2005 at 11:00pm

last time they came to town there was a riot a mile from my house. In five days they are coming back because of excessive levels of gang violence. Which is pretty much who the guys rioting were. Gangs came from miles around to confront these guys. In the end like 100 people arrested, an ambulance was destroyed by bricks while trying to rescue injured police, and not a single nazi marched.

I keep my head shaved, i'm white as a ghost, and look pretty much pissed all the time. I'm so ready to start throwing bricks at these asses myself.

Best part is now the facists go through neighborhoods at night and put thier business cards under the windshield wipers of white people that live in mostly black neighborhoods. Many of these cars have been vandalized because of it.

I believe firmly in the freedom off speech. I just don't want to live in the next huge racial clash's area of effect.

Nerf Racial Riots AOE


Posted By: TrangOul
Date Posted: 05/December/2005 at 11:16pm
daaayum... *feels safe for not having gangs in town*


Posted By: Teh_MSD
Date Posted: 21/December/2005 at 12:51pm


Posted By: Ceejee
Date Posted: 21/December/2005 at 9:45pm
If I had a time machine my first trip would be to Austria, April 20, 1889 with a loaded pistol.

Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 21/December/2005 at 11:11pm

well they came back.

the local governement decided to actually give them a demonstration permit. Instead of denying them so they take it to an ethnic neighborhood again.

it was held on the front lawn of the goverment center downtown. 3 blocks around it were cut off to traffic.

2 days before it happened it snowed 6 inches so no one showed up to see them LOL!


Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 22/December/2005 at 8:13am

lol classic



Ball punching for Teh Win!

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