Outfit wars
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Topic: Outfit wars
Posted By: MadDawg
Subject: Outfit wars
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 12:35pm
Planetside has stated that the outfit wars will actually be a real thing. You guys gonna sign up?
Posted By: 2hot
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 1:20pm
It would be nice, but I don't think we have enough actives at the moment. We should start a temporary outfit just to play. Get some l33t players.
Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 1:24pm
Originally posted by MadDawg
You guys gonna sign up?
------------- Ball punching for Teh Win!
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 1:27pm
Originally posted by 2hot
It would be nice, but I don't think we have enough actives at the moment. We should start a temporary outfit just to play. Get some l33t players.
I dont think it was strictly outfit, if I remember correctly I think Zat said that you could have people that werent in the same outfit. I could be wrong though.
Edit: I guess these are the rules and from what I read they are saying outfits only. Pretty cool though that they are doing it on Old Oshur.
http://planetside.station.sony.com/news_archive.vm?id=67084§ion=News&month=current - http://planetside.station.sony.com/news_archive.vm?id=67084§ion=News&month=current
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 3:03pm
i would become active again for this. but DOUBT we can run 30 people...
and they arent EXACLY saying outfit only...
Note: If you are unable to field the same 30 names at the start of the event, up to 10 pre-determined alternates will be accepted as replacements. "
edit - actualy wait nevermind, i guess they mean 10 more in the same outfit,
lol, il be dammed if we ever get 40 players active again
Posted By: maxaris
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 3:41pm
I dont think any non zerg outfit can do 30+ a night
Posted By: 2hot
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 5:18pm
I totally agree. Not a chance of a smaller outfit getting in, which is what pisses me off because it is going to be some zerg outfit getting bragging rights just because they are large enough to field the full platoon, when better smaller outfits would kill them. Oh well, life isn't fair!
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 5:39pm
Bunch of Bull poop.
But we still know who has the better players man for man.
They should have two brackets-1 for 30vs 30, and another for 10-15 vs 10-15.
Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 8:36pm
It's really come to little to late...a lot of good outfits have seem to left the game for good or are extremely inactive. And frankly, the game at the current state sucks (as compared to a few years ago)
Let azure twilight pull 30 maxes and think that they're OMG LOL l337
------------- Teh Nibblies
Posted By: [Hoe]
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 11:01pm
even if VSAM & 1CMM could count as one we still would be short huh, I would really like to get in on some gameplay where everyone was working for the same goal instead of just random killing.
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 08/August/2006 at 11:41pm
Originally posted by Enrico_Pallazzo
I'd like to see Outfits sign up first. If you have a small Outfit and will not be able to field a full platoon with your outfit members, we will allow you to merge with another outfit. However, I'd hate to see platoons trying to create these "All Star" teams to win an event. That would be disappointing to see and we may disallow the entry if we see that "purposely" happening.
So basically you could do a 1CMM & VSAM Platoon but they just dont want you to stack all the killwhores together.
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 4:36am
Moli(Cee Jee) said you can indeed group diff outfits together!
So start thinking of viable rosters that will fit 30 players.
I even started some momentum on the boards about it as well, nothing official mind you.
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000000621 - http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000000621
But we could get a pretty sick NC contingent together.
Take part in a new PlanetSide event and compete against other great Outfits from the other Empires. Ever wanted that bragging right as the best Outfit in PlanetSide? Well now's your chance! Gather 30 Outfit members to create a platoon and submit your entry to SOE. We will organize the platoons/outfits into empire specific conferences and will schedule competitions against the other empires. Results will be updated on our web site to chart progress towards being called the best strategic outfit in Our World!
How to enter the event:
- Outfit/Platoon Leader will send an Email to: mailto:planetsideevents@soe.sony.com - "PlanetSideEvents@soe.sony.com"
- Subject of email should include event name, "Outfit Wars", Server Name (Markov, Emerald, or Werner), & Empire (TR, VS or NC)
- Outfit/Platoon Leader will include:
- Participating Server
- Outfit/Platoon Leader Contact Information:
- First and Last Name (Real Name)
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Outfit/Platoon Leader Character Name
- Outfit Name
- Empire of Outfit/Platoon
- Preferences on days of the week that you wish to participate. Please provide three preferences so that we may schedule battles with other empires (Highest preference listed first such as 1-Mon, 2-Sun, 3-Fri)
- ***Only the Outfit/Platoon Leader will need to send an e-mail.
- We will not require the 30 character names of your Outfit members until just before pool play begins.
- Note: If you are unable to field the same 30 names at the start of the event, up to 10 pre-determined alternates will be accepted as replacements.
- Due to the size of many Outfits, it will be difficult for all members of an Outfit to participate. Therefore we will allow multiple entries for Outfits.
- However, Outfit members will be required to play only on one Team.
- Depending on the number of Teams who sign up , we may not be able to ensure that all Teams will be able to participate. Although we will attempt to allow all entries the opportunity to participate in this event, there will need to be a good balance of Empires in order to schedule events against each other. Therefore we will consider how quickly Teams enter if we need to trim down the entry list "AKA" First come, first served.
Event Details:
How do you win?:
- The winner is declared by capturing the base in less time that it takes the other team to capture the base from you after both teams have played offense and defense.
- For example: If Team A captures the base from Team B in 47 minutes, then Team B must capture the base from Team A under 47 minutes in order to win the event.
- If there is a tie (both teams capture bases in the same amount of time), then Tie Breakers will be used.
- Also, if neither team is unable to capture the base before the designated kill time, Tie Breakers will be used to determine the winner.
When on defense:
- Teams will start at the Jamshid Technology Plant within the Spawn Room and will also have the North Jamshid Gun Tower in their possession (the closest Tower to Jamshid). Jamshid and the one Gun Tower will start off owned by the defensive team at full resources.
- 1st priority for Defensive Team
- Defend Jamshid and keep ownership of the Jamshid Base for the duration of the event up to the kill time.
- Tie Breakers
- If the defended base is not captured by the offensive team at the designated kill time or both teams capture bases in the same amount of time, the condition of the defended base will be used as a tie breaker. Maintaining the following items will be taken into consideration in determining the winner: Generator, Spawn Room and Tower. In the event that the Tie Breakers do not decide a winner, the Home Team will be declared the winner.
When on offense:
- Teams will start at the Rashnu Bio Laboratory within the Spawn Room and will have the remainder of the continent within their possession excluding the Defending Teams base and tower.
- 1st priority for Offensive Team
- Capture Jamshid Technology Plant before kill time.
- Tie Breakers
Additional requirements and limitations:
- BFRs will not be brought over to the Old Oshur continent. However, it is permissible to obtain one once the event starts if you have the correct certificates and imprinting.
- Global communication for each team will not be allowed. Current communication for Old Oshur will transfer over to the current Oshur and will be a nuisance to other players not participating in the event. Using Global communication during the event will get you removed from the zone without return.
- Players will be required to be at a minimum of Battle Rank 7 to participate. Any Team playing with players less than Battle Rank 7 will be disqualified from the event.
- If a player crashes out of the game during the event and does not spawn back on Old Oshur, there will be specific contacts to be brought back to the event.
- If for any reason the event is not able to be started or completed due to situations out of our control such as a glitch with the server, an internet issue, etc… we will attempt to reschedule or postpone the event to another date.
- Details of this event may be modified or fine-tuned by a representative of SOE in his/her sole discretion at anytime during the event to enforce any stated requirements and limitations, or to ensure fairness. The details that may change include up to and any of the following: # of players per team; start and end times; starting locations; resource levels; vehicle and/or player abilities; player; scoring; tie breakers; etc…
SOE reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the event if any problem corrupts the administration, security, or operation of the event, as determined by SOE in its sole discretion. SOE reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the event or to be acting in violation of the End User License Agreement, the Terms of Service or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner.
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000000596 - Join the Discussion Thread
Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 4:44am
The winner is declared by capturing the base in less time that it takes the other team to capture the base from you after both teams have played offense and defense.
....that's pretty stupid if you ask me.
------------- Teh Nibblies
Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 8:59am
wake me up when there's something interesting to talk about.
------------- Ball punching for Teh Win!
Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 9:28am
i scratched a naughty place and now my finger is stinky
Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 9:47am
Originally posted by SNIKT
i scratched a naughty place and now my finger is stinky
Ok, I'm up now :D
------------- Ball punching for Teh Win!
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 1:12pm
Originally posted by TyboxGUYS!
Moli(Cee Jee) said you can indeed group diff outfits together!
So start thinking of viable rosters that will fit 30 players.
I even started some momentum on the boards about it as well, nothing official mind you.
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000000621 - http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000000621
But we could get a pretty sick NC contingent together.
Why didnt you list any VSAM guys? Theres me, Hoe, PalmtreeTE, T42, and a few others. Way to leave us out..
Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 2:05pm
Originally posted by Stairway
Why didnt you list any VSAM guys? Theres me, Hoe, PalmtreeTE, T42, and a few others. Way to leave us out..
1CMM and VSAM are always together, it goes without saying.
Except for t42... He's like Pad Jr., and no one likes pad, so......
-bullet buffer-
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 09/August/2006 at 8:34pm
Posted By: NateDawg1021
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 3:27am
If you all get a group toogether, good luck, see you out there. Well I'll be watching. Hehe.
Posted By: Raikonnen
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 4:11am
Pff easy. 1 infil rigs gen, 29 guys get in skeeters. Gen drops, skeeters hold, We win.
Posted By: PadCooter
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 9:54am
Def needs to be like 15...on a team not 30.
30 is a lot of people for many outfits to field on one night.
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 4:01pm
Even some zerg fits will have trouble having back-ups to those 30.
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 9:40pm
From the looks of the Emearld Boards it looks like people are counting on a 1CMM toon.
Originally posted by 7thCircut
When is the event supposedd to be?
My obvious first choice is team 1CMM, depending on if they have enough cool guyz or not.
Originally posted by BH440CorBon
if the TR team that i told ceejee I'd join actually comes together thats where ill be. If not, 1cmm platoon should be a solid team 
Originally posted by BH440CorBon
the NC team has to be 1cmm and friends.
any other team would fail.
I think we should have a 1CMM/VSAM/Friends toon just for fun, it would be cool to see if we could win it.
Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 10/August/2006 at 10:42pm
there's your winnar 
------------- Ball punching for Teh Win!
Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 2:12am
I'd like to have all entries by next week.
I will be out of the office most of the week so when I return, I'd like to form the divisions and schedule the contests for the week of the 28th.
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 5:45pm
Is anyone intrested in doing this? Looks like most guys are starting to form teams so if you guys wanna do this speak up.
Posted By: maxaris
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 6:05pm
I would be down for it but I dont know how my class sch will be then
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 6:21pm
im thinking we should at least try to get a list going. see how many we can get.
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 7:42pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force
im thinking we should at least try to get a list going. see how many we can get.
On it
Team List
Maybe List
Just post whether you know you will able to play or if its a maybe and Ill edit this post and see if we can get a rough list. I figure if we get enough people on the list we could start discussing times/dates that are best for everyone.
Posted By: [Hoe]
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 7:45pm
Im not the best player, but if you need the numbers count me in.
Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 11/August/2006 at 11:52pm
im there for sure, i still like the game, the hgue problem is you can never find a fight where the sides are EVEN, its always one team outnumbers the other 3 to 1 or somthing redicoulus like that..
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 12/August/2006 at 12:27pm
Anyone else interested, it looks like if we have a team we need to email it in soon. So post up if you think you can play.
Posted By: PadCooter
Date Posted: 12/August/2006 at 12:48pm
looks gay as sh*t.
only way id do it if it was like 15 players not f**king 30
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 12/August/2006 at 6:18pm
I honestly don't think we would be able to field 30 people. I would be in it for sure, but I just don't see us pulling 30 people together. They should let us roll with 15 vs 30... we would still whoop some butt.
Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 12/August/2006 at 8:41pm
Originally posted by Preach
I honestly don't think we would be able to field 30 people. I would be in it for sure, but I just don't see us pulling 30 people together. They should let us roll with 15 vs 30... we would still whoop some butt.
Yeah it does seem like it is to many people, but then again there is no harm in trying to get a list. I think we could get around 20-25 1CMM/VSAM guys and then get a few other guys to play with us.
Posted By: Raikonnen
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 4:00am
I'm in if needed. I decided against being on the VS side.
Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 12:25pm
you guys are going down. I'll be back for this event =)
Posted By: maxaris
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 1:18pm
dont you play on markov?
Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 2:21pm
token... where the f**k is MY money for the T-shirt I sent you? I sent you a TON of PM's... no answer.
Pretty jacked up of you to rip me off.
Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 2:43pm
demand for cat bread has been down lately.
Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 4:52pm
yeah, I was out of town when the shirt came and I totally forgot about it. You shall have your money, fear not.
Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 13/August/2006 at 4:53pm
yes, I play on markov with PcP. well actually Im playing BF2 with SG and I havent played PS for a good while.