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sh*tty Yearbook Entries

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Topic: sh*tty Yearbook Entries
Posted By: Interpol
Subject: sh*tty Yearbook Entries
Date Posted: 23/January/2007 at 8:58pm
I don't know about you guys, but I hated yearbook signing.

It was f**king pointless, because the people you cared about you saw every day anyway, and those you didn't, you probably wouldn't f**king remember when looking back at your yearbook years later.

I remember having some sh*tty signatures like "Stay cool forever" or "DONT YOU HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SIGN YOUR YEARBOOK AND TAKE UP HALF THE PAGE"

Yeah, I f*cking hate it. So why did you do it, sh*thead?

I remember leaving signatures that were truly unique, one memorable one being "You're better than the sh*t on my hairy ass." That person is going to look back years from now, remembering those fond memories of high school, trying to look for a piece of history of it in his yearbook, and then be thoroughly disgusted. Maybe he'd even vomit.

Good times.

Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 23/January/2007 at 9:21pm
Originally posted by Interpol

I remember leaving signatures that were truly unique, one memorable one being "You're better than the sh*t on my hairy ass." That person is going to look back years from now, remembering those fond memories of high school, trying to look for a piece of history of it in his yearbook, and then be thoroughly disgusted. Maybe he'd even vomit.

Good times.

That sounds very similar to a Dane Cook joke. Anyways yearbook signings rule, teachers usually allow you time off from actual class stuff to do it. 


Posted By: Andeh
Date Posted: 24/January/2007 at 6:28am
In my school, its tradition to sign each others shirt on the last day, and then wear it out that night.
Yearbook wise,  we each just get a picture and and a quote as were leaving the place.
I got mine from a nazi recruitment poster,lol.

"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Andy!"

Mainly to confuse all the morons in my school.

Detla Traids

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 24/January/2007 at 9:48am
Sign shirts? Wear them out in public that night? Talk about LOL!


Posted By: Xenetic
Date Posted: 24/January/2007 at 11:44am
"I signed your crack"


Posted By: ap0ck
Date Posted: 24/January/2007 at 2:31pm
Originally posted by Andeh

In my school, its tradition to sign each others shirt on the last day, and then wear it out that night.
Yearbook wise,  we each just get a picture and and a quote as were leaving the place.
I got mine from a nazi recruitment poster,lol.

"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Andy!"

Mainly to confuse all the morons in my school.

your fascination with hitler and racist jokes is disturbing.


Posted By: PrISM
Date Posted: 02/February/2007 at 9:32pm
Two of mine:

'Nothing can be finer than relations with a minor'
'Remember when the old man sat on your face?'

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