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My Xbox turned into a Wii

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Topic: My Xbox turned into a Wii
Posted By: Midnyght
Subject: My Xbox turned into a Wii
Date Posted: 19/November/2008 at 8:53pm
I turned on my Xbox 360 and for a second I thought it was my Wii.

They copied big time off Wii with the Avatars, but what do you guys think of the new xbox experience?

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 20/November/2008 at 1:56am
aye they did BUT on the plus side
the whole interface is faster

now you can "Conference chat" in your party with up to 8 people at once, without the need of all being in the same game
and last but not least, you can install games completly on your hard drive. making the xbox Completly SILENT as you play. it also removes allot of the load times, but, they where never really an issue anyway. ( you still need the CD in the xbox to play them even if installed )
there is also somthing being able to use your netflix subscriptions to dowload games and movies directly to your xbox? i havent checked it out yet, but, it might be a big plus as well.
so all in all, this update is a big plus, since i really only care about functionality, and not look

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 20/November/2008 at 5:03pm
when you hit the guide button it's much better imo. also like that there's much less burrowing into and out of screens looking for info. something you might have had to dig 4 screens deep before is now onscreen if you just scroll to the right.

who really gives a shit about avatars, but the functionality is improved imo.

the netflix stuff will be much better when two things happen: they get a significant portion of their catalog online, and it's HD.

the biggest plus of the whole deal is the install to hard drive option.

Posted By: Midnyght
Date Posted: 20/November/2008 at 10:12pm
Originally posted by Fidelio

the biggest plus of the whole deal is the install to hard drive option.

I agree I noticed the loading times increase a lot and like the party chat feature. Fid whats your xbox name?


Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 21/November/2008 at 2:50pm
fideelio with 2 e's

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