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ignorance at its best.

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Topic: ignorance at its best.
Posted By: ap0ck
Subject: ignorance at its best.
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:10am - opic&t=135
i love how he says , im not racist , then proceeds to post some of the most ignorant things ive ever heard.


Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 2:15am
...........a racist is someone who says something about another person, joking or not its a sick f**king joke to say those things. And f**k anyone who comes in here and says get a sense of humor because thats not something to laugh at!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 3:14am
I like the thread where they are bragging about their kills/player ratio and compare them to other outfits... but they fail to mention 1CMM and how we completely dominated all other outfits, including Delta Transvestites. Ignorance FTW! - opic&t=298


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 5:09am

Doing a good job with that thread of resembling the Enclave's own tepid forums.

I still rofl a few jokes now and again....but as I grow older, these just seem to be rather off color.



Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 5:22am


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 8:23am

Bullseye, you're one to f**king talk.

You said the same sh*t in our WoW guild and the only thing that kept you from doing it more was Blacklodge.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 8:27am
This was right after andeh and Dart were banned - our most radical hypothetical response at the time was to spam the forums with tons of racist jokes. Stupid yes, but whatever. We never did it, and those jokes never left our forums.

And since when has telling a racist joke automatically made you a racist?

Otherwise Prophet and I should be in the KKK

Posted By: Kazzmann
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 8:34am
Oh, and also, doesn't this make you guys a bit hypocritical? I know for a fact that several of you laughed at WarChimp's ginger kid post, which I see as no different, probably worse, than Mirror's.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 9:56am
Worse? LOL @ you losing grip on reality.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:01am

For preach click the link at the bottom of sods post and you ll see 1CMM at the top.


As for my joke post I laughed my ass off so hard when I read most of them. I'm glad i found those jokes because they are some of the best I've ever heard and I've told them to people I know over here.


Edit: oh I found those jokes at

Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:18am

see ap0ck some people live sheltered lives and don't interact with other kinds of people. These people make and tell jokes to belittle other people who don't look like them so that they can feel good about themselves. Then they brag about thier kills selectively.

sometimes when you joke about something it becomes acceptable.

Racism is an infection

i feel icky even looking at DT boards, i probably caught something.


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:26am
Mirror, I know full well where 1CMM stands in the rankings... #1. Third place is good for you guys though. I think that makes you second loser?


Posted By: Lack
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:12am

Originally posted by Preach

Mirror, I know full well where 1CMM stands in the rankings... #1. Third place is good for you guys though. I think that makes you second loser?


Wtf does that have to do with anything,  Your compalaining about jokes <-- keyword here.  Then you bring up rankings . ( Btw look at the creation dates of the outfits ...... May 20, 2003 Tooo  -->> January 22, 2005 , Id hope you whould be ahead )

Are you loosing your grip on reality ? Maybe you just spit out random BS.  You guys just wanted to complain about somthing and a rival outfit on a another empire seemed to fit that need didnt it ?

I must remind you how many diffrent races there are in DT and im sure its the same on 1cmm.  If you cant take a damn joke,  there is sumthing Fuc*ed in your head.

Just lighten up , i mean damn.  You couldnt honestly tell me you've never said or laughed a racist joke.  Isnt that the same damn thing ?  Stop being a hypocrite.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:37am

Give us some f**king jackhammers and well show you who can dominate the leaderboards

As for the jokes, lighten up.

Posted By: PadCooter
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:40am
Originally posted by Lack

Originally posted by Preach

Mirror, I know full well where 1CMM stands in the rankings... #1. Third place is good for you guys though. I think that makes you second loser?


Wtf does that have to do with anything,  Your compalaining about jokes <-- keyword here.  Then you bring up rankings . ( Btw look at the creation dates of the outfits ...... May 20, 2003 Tooo  -->> January 22, 2005 , Id hope you whould be ahead )

Are you loosing your grip on reality ? Maybe you just spit out random BS.  You guys just wanted to complain about somthing and a rival outfit on a another empire seemed to fit that need didnt it ?

I must remind you how many diffrent races there are in DT and im sure its the same on 1cmm.  If you cant take a damn joke,  there is sumthing Fuc*ed in your head.

Just lighten up , i mean damn.  You couldnt honestly tell me you've never said or laughed a racist joke.  Isnt that the same damn thing ?  Stop being a hypocrite.

It doesn't matter when the outfit was created. It takes your outfit kills...which is the players kills all combined. Divided by your number of players. - Thus...


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:45am
Originally posted by Lack

Originally posted by Preach

Mirror, I know full well where 1CMM stands in the rankings... #1. Third place is good for you guys though. I think that makes you second loser?


Wtf does that have to do with anything,  Your compalaining about jokes <-- keyword here.  Then you bring up rankings . ( Btw look at the creation dates of the outfits ...... May 20, 2003 Tooo  -->> January 22, 2005 , Id hope you whould be ahead )

Are you loosing your grip on reality ? Maybe you just spit out random BS.  You guys just wanted to complain about somthing and a rival outfit on a another empire seemed to fit that need didnt it ?

I must remind you how many diffrent races there are in DT and im sure its the same on 1cmm.  If you cant take a damn joke,  there is sumthing Fuc*ed in your head.

Just lighten up , i mean damn.  You couldnt honestly tell me you've never said or laughed a racist joke.  Isnt that the same damn thing ?  Stop being a hypocrite.

Dear Mr.Moron,

Do you see ME complaining about jokes? I would suggest you go back through this thread and read my posts contained within it. After doing so please hit yourself on the head with a tack hammer as hard as possible.

If you have any brain cells left after that jolt to the head then please try to learn how those stats are compiled. Outfit creation date has nothing to do those stats. Could you be any dumber? I'd be suprised if it were possible.

As for the rest of you DT rejects... take your sorry butts back to your message board and continue your circle jerk of adolescent inadequacy and angst.

Someone turn on the lightswitch so these cockroaches can scurry away.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:49am
Man! I shoulda posted a joke or two so I can get into this sophmoric internet drama slingin' contest. Although, to be fair, chances are the exercise in itself would be a waste of time, since when it comes to Preach (who I just can't help but refer to, for now on, as Peaches, given the circumstances) , all you need to do is  show up and you're automatically inducted into the Bitch Typhoon.

Ever since I first saw Peaches in action, he's been the focul point of every type of internet hatefest you can imagine. Like some sort of cheesy Star Trek villain, it's as thougy he feeds off negative energy. But there's no Internet Captain Kirk to get half-naked and wrestle his green, scaley plastic-masked hide to the ground while Spock looks on and makes various brands of Concerned Faces. If you still know what I'm talking about, congrats, you have a higher IQ than me.

I'd make the argument that he must be a miserable person, but Peaches here is a special case. I think he's happy as a little kid in a teddy bear shop. The internet is the perfect place for a guy like him. We all know that in real life, he'd be meek, somewhat polite but not overtly so, probably just wont to keep to himself and his friends and keep the noise down for the sake of the community, like everyone else.

But the internet? Mmmmm, the Internet. Where he is free to brag about stats not many people care about in the first place like they hold water, to type "ROFL" seven times in a row as though it has more of an effect each time! Where you can label someone a racist with balsa-wood flimsy basis and not have to look them in the eye while you do it!

Oh dear, dear Peaches. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you catch more flies with honey?

Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:50am
Racism is racism. You make a joke about black people, asians, albinos, whatever. If you find these jokes and their ignorant stereotypes of cultures funny, and feel that they're suitable to repeat to people, you're a racist. Same goes for laughing at, and making jokes about people's nationality, religion etc.

I've been told racist jokes about my own nationality in the past, and I laughed. But as time goes on, I'm getting more concerned about this image of "lighthearted racism" that some people seem to think is acceptable. The way I see it, lighthearted racism is still racism, and if it becomes widely accepted we'll just be taking a step back to the early 1900s where racial tension was worse than it is now, and it's pretty damn bad right now. "Lighthearted racism" is a step towards future generations adopting this mentality that ragging on people's races is completely fine.

However, that being said, if I don't like the statements you make and you want to share these things amongst yourselves, there's not much I can do about it really is there? And it certainly isn't my right to tell you how to live your life. Just chipping in with my two cents, since the topic's been dragged up.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:59am
I agree. Copy-pasting jokes from  a joke website that we didn't create in the first place for the sole purpose of ranting ironically against SOE who we felt wronged us in some way really just puts us right up there with southerners who drag  homosexuals behind pickup trucks. I mean, seriously, it is a really fine line. Almost the same thing.

As a result, I make it a point to tell no jokes about anybody, at any time. And if I hear one in a group of people, while they are laughing I make it a point to cross my arms, and suck in a slow breath of air through my nose so that it makes a little wheezing noise. Then, in a very loud voice, I say, "GOOD DAY, SIR!" and stalk slowly out of the room without bending my knees, so they can all know how indignant I am, and they'll feel bad and never make jokes at the expense of anybody, ever, again.

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:59am
Guru I think you need to grab yourself a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a couple pepsis. After you have those supplies gathered please educate yourself on sentence structure, meaning of words, and how to properly use them to form meaningful sentences/paragraphs. I don't even know where to start with the idiocy you felt the need to post, because it simply makes no sense at all. I wouldn't expect anything other then idiocy and ignorance from anyone in your outfit though.

As for the hate... I don't start hate tells. It is always DT members who feel the need to whine, piss, bitch, and/or moan about every little thing via tells. I don't want to hear it, and I am certainly going to make fun of anyone who sends me retarded tells. Don't be suprised if you send me a hate tell and receive a colorful response from me in turn.

Like I said earlier, go back to your private circle jerk on the DT forums, all you are doing here is making your outfit look even worse.

Now if I could only find that darn light switch...


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:02pm

ego check in 3......2........1

for both sides..


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:03pm
Instead of writing a long, eloquent rebuttle reply, I think I'll save myself some time here. I've learned, in the past, that quick, pointless bitching posts are far more effective, in an internet setting, to keep the meaningless mudslinging going. And that's why I'm here. To pump some life into my lazy, unemployed friday morning.

So, here it is. My rebuttle post. Below this line right here ___.

If you're going to point out a person's bad spelling, please, please, PLEASE do not misspell words in your post. The irony is just too good to pass up. :)

Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:05pm

Lovely if I ever said the N word it was right behind " wassup ", but if you can tell me a racist joke I told then by all means post it!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:06pm
Guru... Did I say anything about spelling? No. Go back and read.

You were in such a fervor to respond you let your chubby little fingers wander across your keyboard and get ahead of your thought process. The irony is just too good to pass up.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:07pm
Effekt, you're really not helping your side very much here, ha ha ha.

And Peaches, it's no fun if you go editing your posts after posting them. That's almost like cheating. Proofread before you post, not after! Man, talk about sucking all the life out of what could have been a fun exchange. :( <-------- saddy face!

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:08pm

Making you look like a complete retard is easier than shooting fish in a barrel... you do 99% of the work for me.

This thread is very funny. Yet more proof that DT is nothing more then forum trolls, whiners, and all around morons. Keep up the good work DT!



Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:09pm
guru im not in 1cmm im my own person thank you =P! And ive been in PS long enough that I dont have to say where 1cmm stands in the rankings!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:11pm
Originally posted by solitary00

ego check in 3......2........1

for both sides..


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:12pm
Ah, so you didn't mention spelling. So, by using smarty skills like deductive reasoning and other things I've learned from my Baby Einstein videos, I can  interpret that to mean that as long as your grammar and intended word choices are solid, then you have  carte blanch to spell however you like without worry?

I'm just trying to get the broken-down jalopey of my brain on track here. What brain cells I have left that the heroine didn't kill are having trouble getting the signals down to the softly tenderized balls of ground beef that are my fat, fat FAT fat fat fingers. I mean, sure, I'm only 130lbs, but what most people don't understand is that 100lbs of that is all fingers. The rest is bones, brain and pancreas, but not much else.

Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:12pm
Originally posted by andeh

Give us some f**king jackhammers and well show you who can dominate the leaderboards

As for the jokes, lighten up.

Id take a lasher over a JH, but then id take an mcg over both lol!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:14pm

Originally posted by solitary00

Originally posted by solitary00

ego check in 3......2........1

for both sides..


You looked lonely solitary so thought id help

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:26pm
Originally posted by Guru

I agree. Copy-pasting jokes from  a joke website that we didn't create in the first place for the sole purpose of ranting ironically against SOE who we felt wronged us in some way really just puts us right up there with southerners who drag  homosexuals behind pickup trucks. I mean, seriously, it is a really fine line. Almost the same thing.

As a result, I make it a point to tell no jokes about anybody, at any time. And if I hear one in a group of people, while they are laughing I make it a point to cross my arms, and suck in a slow breath of air through my nose so that it makes a little wheezing noise. Then, in a very loud voice, I say, "GOOD DAY, SIR!" and stalk slowly out of the room without bending my knees, so they can all know how indignant I am, and they'll feel bad and never make jokes at the expense of anybody, ever, again.

First of all, you didn't simply drag them up to rant "ironically" against SOE. Also, why's it ironic that you post racist jokes on SOE's forums? Yeah, that's a real display of irony right there. Is it ironic because SOE is constantly racist but they don't tolerate racist jokes on their forums? Because I've never heard anything about that ;). And ooh, oh no, they wronged you so incredibly painfully, so you decided to become a band of vigilantes and right the wrong. Now that's the irony right there. And no, maybe it doesn't make you quite as bad as those groups of people who actually carry out prejudiced lynch activities in public (notice how i refrained from saying "southerners" there?), but it certainly does make you look like an idiot.

Also, I didn't order you to stop reciting prejudiced jokes, I expressed my distaste for them. I, you know, stated my opinion? As far as I'm concerned, my last post was completely valid. That's how I think when it comes to jokes that are prejudiced in their punchlines.

I actually laughed considerably loudly at that last paragraph. So quick to mock, aren't we? Maybe you should take the time to read properly, instead of taking something out of context. I've made it quite clear that I can't force you to stop doing anything, and I'm not actually too bothered about if you do it or not. I just look at the subject differently.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:38pm
One of my best friends is black so It's ok.......................................................... .....

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:38pm
Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:41pm
I'm anti white.


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:49pm
Originally posted by Jbanicar

I'm anti white.



-bullet buffer-

Posted By: AquaNox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:54pm
Arguing over something like this is the same as arguing over abortion, it's not going to go anywhere because each individual's ideas are too implanted and unchangable.  Show some class and know the difference between insult and argument, both sides.  No matter what your opinion may be, you should be able to recognize that there are places where jokes may be exceptable and those where they are not.  Poor judgement was the cause of Andeh's banning, not SOE's strict policies or others' "inability to take a joke" 


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:55pm
Originally posted by solitary00

Originally posted by solitary00

ego check in 3......2........1

for both sides..


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:58pm
black and white unite and fight

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:58pm



Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:00pm
Originally posted by Guru

Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

First of all, no, perhaps you didn't claim any of those things, but from reading back over that post, I can't help but see those things implied there. Maybe my understanding of posts has gone kaputt in it's old age of 17 years. Or maybe not. The implications can still be there, it doesn't matter if you directly accused me of doing anything or not, or if you didn't publically condone those threads/jokes. Now, you may not have openly stated that, but really "SOE wronged" you? So you decided to rant "ironically" by posting racist jokes? Next time devs in an MMO do something that I don't like, I'm gonna go post that all Jews should be shot, because that seems like the right course of action.

But really, I don't think that wording is a coincidence, now is it? Just look at it. From the sarcastic tone, to the finale of an equally sarcastic hyperbole (isn't that, in itself, implying that you condone those jokes?). C'mon now, really.

Keep dodging the bullet



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:05pm
Originally posted by AquaNox

Arguing over something like this is the same as arguing over abortion, it's not going to go anywhere because each individual's ideas are too implanted and unchangable.  Show some class and know the difference between insult and argument, both sides.  No matter what your opinion may be, you should be able to recognize that there are places where jokes may be exceptable and those where they are not.  Poor judgement was the cause of Andeh's banning, not SOE's strict policies or others' "inability to take a joke" 

Dude, what the hell. Get out of here with that 'makin' sense' crap. Everyone knows the internet exists so we can hurl meaningless words at each other and pretend like it means something.

In other news, it is INCREDIBLY easy to get lost in Wikipedia... I just keep clickin' those damned blue words!

Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:06pm
Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by AquaNox

Arguing over something like this is the same as arguing over abortion, it's not going to go anywhere because each individual's ideas are too implanted and unchangable.  Show some class and know the difference between insult and argument, both sides.  No matter what your opinion may be, you should be able to recognize that there are places where jokes may be exceptable and those where they are not.  Poor judgement was the cause of Andeh's banning, not SOE's strict policies or others' "inability to take a joke" 

Dude, what the hell. Get out of here with that 'makin' sense' crap. Everyone knows the internet exists so we can hurl meaningless words at each other and pretend like it means something.

In other news, it is INCREDIBLY easy to get lost in Wikipedia... I just keep clickin' those damned blue words!

Heh, that seems to be what my main use for "teh intarweb" is at the moment.

And yep, Wikipedia kicks arse.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:12pm
Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

First of all, no, perhaps you didn't claim any of those things, but from reading back over that post, I can't help but see those things implied there. Maybe my understanding of posts has gone kaputt in it's old age of 17 years. Or maybe not. The implications can still be there, it doesn't matter if you directly accused me of doing anything or not, or if you didn't publically condone those threads/jokes. Now, you may not have openly stated that, but really "SOE wronged" you? So you decided to rant "ironically" by posting racist jokes? Next time devs in an MMO do something that I don't like, I'm gonna go post that all Jews should be shot, because that seems like the right course of action.

But really, I don't think that wording is a coincidence, now is it? Just look at it. From the sarcastic tone, to the finale of an equally sarcastic hyperbole (isn't that, in itself, implying that you condone those jokes?). C'mon now, really.

Keep dodging the bullet


Look at all that quoting! It makes my post here seem longer and filled with more content.

See, the truth of the matter here is that I don't condone racism, but I don't think we were being racists. I think you guys are just being overanxious drama queens and stoking a fire that's barely embers, and drinking from the overflowing cup of internet drama. And mmmm, it's better that Kool-Aid. OH YEAH!

To be quite frank, in this world we live in, if you're picking jokes out as the thing to get all huffy over, you need to get out more, or read a damned newspaper.

To be perfectly honest (as opposed to 'quite frank', like I was in the previous paragraph, or as I like to call them, WORKS OF ART) with you guys here (since we're such good friends and all), the only reason I came here in the first place is to toss slabs of meat at Peaches and watch him go apesh*t, like a tiger at a zoo. I didn't have much else more entertaining planned for my morning. If you wanna continue arguing, I'd be more than happy to oblige, but keep in mind: I niether agree nor disagree with you. I'm just having fun. Feel free to get all worked up at your discretion, though, honeybunches.

Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:18pm
we should make a movie on this, or at least a play

all we need is a guy from DT and a girl from 1cmm to fall in love and we could make another west-side story.

i'll even be one of the guys that walks around snapping his fingers all the time


Posted By: Strat
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:18pm

Go away.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:22pm

Ha, some of you would most likely die of a heart attack if you ever went to see Carlos Mencia live.  To quote him (snooty voice) "Oh my god, he said the N word!!"  ::shrug:: I guess my overall opinion is it's worse for society to not be able to take a joke than for society to make tasteless jokes.

And interesting assertions about all of DT since some of you obviously, well, know ALL of DT.

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:27pm
Originally posted by Strat

Go away.



Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:31pm
Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

First of all, no, perhaps you didn't claim any of those things, but from reading back over that post, I can't help but see those things implied there. Maybe my understanding of posts has gone kaputt in it's old age of 17 years. Or maybe not. The implications can still be there, it doesn't matter if you directly accused me of doing anything or not, or if you didn't publically condone those threads/jokes. Now, you may not have openly stated that, but really "SOE wronged" you? So you decided to rant "ironically" by posting racist jokes? Next time devs in an MMO do something that I don't like, I'm gonna go post that all Jews should be shot, because that seems like the right course of action.

But really, I don't think that wording is a coincidence, now is it? Just look at it. From the sarcastic tone, to the finale of an equally sarcastic hyperbole (isn't that, in itself, implying that you condone those jokes?). C'mon now, really.

Keep dodging the bullet


Look at all that quoting! It makes my post here seem longer and filled with more content.

See, the truth of the matter here is that I don't condone racism, but I don't think we were being racists. I think you guys are just being overanxious drama queens and stoking a fire that's barely embers, and drinking from the overflowing cup of internet drama. And mmmm, it's better that Kool-Aid. OH YEAH!

To be quite frank, in this world we live in, if you're picking jokes out as the thing to get all huffy over, you need to get out more, or read a damned newspaper.

To be perfectly honest (as opposed to 'quite frank', like I was in the previous paragraph, or as I like to call them, WORKS OF ART) with you guys here (since we're such good friends and all), the only reason I came here in the first place is to toss slabs of meat at Peaches and watch him go apesh*t, like a tiger at a zoo. I didn't have much else more entertaining planned for my morning. If you wanna continue arguing, I'd be more than happy to oblige, but keep in mind: I niether agree nor disagree with you. I'm just having fun. Feel free to get all worked up at your discretion, though, honeybunches.

Wow, it really does make my post seem to burst at the seams with content. And I'm done, just fyi. I had my chance to rant about something, and I took it. Very satisfying. And if I get worked up, you'll know about it. You'll be sleeping on the couch, sweetiepie.


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 2:11pm

Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by AquaNox

Arguing over something like this is the same as arguing over abortion, it's not going to go anywhere because each individual's ideas are too implanted and unchangable.  Show some class and know the difference between insult and argument, both sides.  No matter what your opinion may be, you should be able to recognize that there are places where jokes may be exceptable and those where they are not.  Poor judgement was the cause of Andeh's banning, not SOE's strict policies or others' "inability to take a joke" 

Dude, what the hell. Get out of here with that 'makin' sense' crap. Everyone knows the internet exists so we can hurl meaningless words at each other and pretend like it means something.

In other news, it is INCREDIBLY easy to get lost in Wikipedia... I just keep clickin' those damned blue words!

Heh, that seems to be what my main use for "teh intarweb" is at the moment.

And yep, Wikipedia kicks arse.


Lol too bad I can't use Wikipedia for most my papers....not exactly a "scholory" source when anyone can edit it.

Still, a lot of great info.




Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 2:19pm
Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

First of all, no, perhaps you didn't claim any of those things, but from reading back over that post, I can't help but see those things implied there. Maybe my understanding of posts has gone kaputt in it's old age of 17 years. Or maybe not. The implications can still be there, it doesn't matter if you directly accused me of doing anything or not, or if you didn't publically condone those threads/jokes. Now, you may not have openly stated that, but really "SOE wronged" you? So you decided to rant "ironically" by posting racist jokes? Next time devs in an MMO do something that I don't like, I'm gonna go post that all Jews should be shot, because that seems like the right course of action.

But really, I don't think that wording is a coincidence, now is it? Just look at it. From the sarcastic tone, to the finale of an equally sarcastic hyperbole (isn't that, in itself, implying that you condone those jokes?). C'mon now, really.

Keep dodging the bullet


Look at all that quoting! It makes my post here seem longer and filled with more content.

See, the truth of the matter here is that I don't condone racism, but I don't think we were being racists. I think you guys are just being overanxious drama queens and stoking a fire that's barely embers, and drinking from the overflowing cup of internet drama. And mmmm, it's better that Kool-Aid. OH YEAH!

To be quite frank, in this world we live in, if you're picking jokes out as the thing to get all huffy over, you need to get out more, or read a damned newspaper.

To be perfectly honest (as opposed to 'quite frank', like I was in the previous paragraph, or as I like to call them, WORKS OF ART) with you guys here (since we're such good friends and all), the only reason I came here in the first place is to toss slabs of meat at Peaches and watch him go apesh*t, like a tiger at a zoo. I didn't have much else more entertaining planned for my morning. If you wanna continue arguing, I'd be more than happy to oblige, but keep in mind: I niether agree nor disagree with you. I'm just having fun. Feel free to get all worked up at your discretion, though, honeybunches.

Wow, it really does make my post seem to burst at the seams with content. And I'm done, just fyi. I had my chance to rant about something, and I took it. Very satisfying. And if I get worked up, you'll know about it. You'll be sleeping on the couch, sweetiepie.

Holy crap this post looks chock-full of content.

And if withholding sex is your only weapon, snugglepuss, I always got Captain Righty.

Posted By: Fayaz
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 2:28pm

Guys... what the hell is going on here? And more importantly, what's the point of it all?

It doesn't matter who started it, who sent what tells, what your views are on denominational jokes, what outfit stats mean, how important grammar is or why you all feel the need to defend your insecure selves: it's childish at best.


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 3:01pm
Originally posted by Fayaz

Guys... what the hell is going on here? And more importantly, what's the point of it all?

It doesn't matter who started it, who sent what tells, what your views are on denominational jokes, what outfit stats mean, how important grammar is or why you all feel the need to defend your insecure selves: it's childish at best.

2nded and 3rded


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 3:52pm

Why can't we be friends..why can't we be friends..why can't we be friends?


Teh Nibblies

Posted By: Avenger
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:07pm


Posted By: Avenger
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:12pm
And Preach, if you really want to bring up stats...I've played this game for one year and nearly one month now, and yet I still have ~10k more kills than you.


Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:14pm
Originally posted by Avenger

And Preach, if you really want to bring up stats...I've played this game for one year and nearly one month now, and yet I still have ~10k more kills than you.

Stop it, now.


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Avenger
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:15pm
Originally posted by solitary00

Originally posted by Avenger

And Preach, if you really want to bring up stats...I've played this game for one year and nearly one month now, and yet I still have ~10k more kills than you.

Stop it, now.

I'm done


Posted By: AquaNox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:23pm


Posted By: PadCooter
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:36pm
Lets lock this thread.


Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:52pm

**High Jacked**


........ is anyone going to be watching March Madness? If so what team are you going for? Im personally going for the U of I even though I doubt we will go far =/!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 4:58pm
Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Guru

Hi Aled! How's it going. Nice post there. You really hammered that idiot into the ground. I bet he won't be recovering from that slam very soon!

... Hey, wait a second... uh, you're talking to ME?

Oops, I think we've made sort of a mistake here! (And if you could hear me (I type while talking out loud, cuz if I don't sound out the words I get confused), you would tell that there was a special inflection there, so that when I said that "we've" I really meant "you've". I just wanted to be clear, so there's no more confusion. ;) ) See, I think you meant to reply to someone else, but clicked to quote MY post by mistake.

The reason I think this is because I never once claimed you were ordering me to do anything. Or me ordering you. Or whatever. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I may have typed it in "invisible intent words" what I'm not trained to see, but can apparently type without knowing!

I also never really condoned what we did on OUR FORUMS, or did I really claim we were vigilantes or righting wrongs or all virgins. Again, it could be those mysterious invisible words that my invisible second pair of chubby fingers are typing, even as I type this! Ghostly! Someone contact Harrison Ford, or M. Knight Shayamalan!

Actually, maybe you WERE responding to me, because you laughed at my last paragraph. Thanks! I wrote it to be funny, and you laughed, so that means I win the internet. Although I wonder why you seem indignant. You say I'm wrong because I didn't understand that you were only expressing an opinion, then I sort of painted a picture of a guy with a broomstick up his ass expressing an opinion, and you say that, uh, I'm wrong. Or something? I dunno, a cat walked by my porch doors as I typed this and I got distracted.

I think what I'm saying is, I think the routines of every black comic ON THE PLANET are inappropriate and just feeding the hate machine. Thank you.

First of all, no, perhaps you didn't claim any of those things, but from reading back over that post, I can't help but see those things implied there. Maybe my understanding of posts has gone kaputt in it's old age of 17 years. Or maybe not. The implications can still be there, it doesn't matter if you directly accused me of doing anything or not, or if you didn't publically condone those threads/jokes. Now, you may not have openly stated that, but really "SOE wronged" you? So you decided to rant "ironically" by posting racist jokes? Next time devs in an MMO do something that I don't like, I'm gonna go post that all Jews should be shot, because that seems like the right course of action.

But really, I don't think that wording is a coincidence, now is it? Just look at it. From the sarcastic tone, to the finale of an equally sarcastic hyperbole (isn't that, in itself, implying that you condone those jokes?). C'mon now, really.

Keep dodging the bullet


Look at all that quoting! It makes my post here seem longer and filled with more content.

See, the truth of the matter here is that I don't condone racism, but I don't think we were being racists. I think you guys are just being overanxious drama queens and stoking a fire that's barely embers, and drinking from the overflowing cup of internet drama. And mmmm, it's better that Kool-Aid. OH YEAH!

To be quite frank, in this world we live in, if you're picking jokes out as the thing to get all huffy over, you need to get out more, or read a damned newspaper.

To be perfectly honest (as opposed to 'quite frank', like I was in the previous paragraph, or as I like to call them, WORKS OF ART) with you guys here (since we're such good friends and all), the only reason I came here in the first place is to toss slabs of meat at Peaches and watch him go apesh*t, like a tiger at a zoo. I didn't have much else more entertaining planned for my morning. If you wanna continue arguing, I'd be more than happy to oblige, but keep in mind: I niether agree nor disagree with you. I'm just having fun. Feel free to get all worked up at your discretion, though, honeybunches.

Wow, it really does make my post seem to burst at the seams with content. And I'm done, just fyi. I had my chance to rant about something, and I took it. Very satisfying. And if I get worked up, you'll know about it. You'll be sleeping on the couch, sweetiepie.

Holy crap this post looks chock-full of content.

And if withholding sex is your only weapon, snugglepuss, I always got Captain Righty.

Dear God, that must be an insightful read.

And Captain Righty doesn't put out like I do, Righty's just a wannabe.


Posted By: donut
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 6:02pm
Originally posted by Effekt

**High Jacked**


........ is anyone going to be watching March Madness? If so what team are you going for? Im personally going for the U of I even though I doubt we will go far =/!

my hometown team TN got knocked out of the SEC tourney today by South Carolina   but I'm hoping either Syracuse or Memphis does well in the big dance


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 6:12pm

Originally posted by PadCooter

Lets lock this thread.



Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 6:12pm
Originally posted by NaeBlis

Why can't we be friends..why can't we be friends..why can't we be friends?


i was soooo singing that to myself and tried to find a web page where it was streamed, but i couldnt.. so then i settled for west side story remake. 


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 6:14pm
Hi  Fayaz, how's kicks? I walked on a beach today and it was cooool.

Posted By: Fayaz
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 6:40pm

*looks around*

I.. um.. don't follow Guru.. I.. err.. what?!!


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 8:50pm
Egos rock!

Posted By: NaeBlis
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 9:02pm

Originally posted by Desp

Egos rock!


Teh Nibblies

Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 11:03pm
Originally posted by NaeBlis

Originally posted by Desp

Egos rock!



Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 12:05am
I'm still offended.


Posted By: Dark4
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 12:54am

Posted By: AquaNox
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 1:41am
Well put, dark.


Posted By: Venom
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 2:38am
Originally posted by Dark4

what the hell?!


Posted By: SNIKT
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 9:11am

Thats this guys decapitated skull.

what kinda sicko has it in for an easygoin guy like ziggy.....can't we all just get along.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 2:18pm
Originally posted by Fayaz

*looks around*

I.. um.. don't follow Guru.. I.. err.. what?!!

The beach. You know. Sand, surf, seagulls, creepy black dude who followed me for about a half mile and matched my pace and really weirded me out.



Posted By: solitary00
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 2:20pm
Originally posted by Guru

The beach. You know. Sand, surf, seagulls, creepy black dude who followed me for about a half mile and matched my pace and really weirded me out.



Sorry about that, I just wanted to know who made your banana hammock.


-bullet buffer-

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 2:27pm
Originally posted by solitary00

Originally posted by Guru

The beach. You know. Sand, surf, seagulls, creepy black dude who followed me for about a half mile and matched my pace and really weirded me out.



Sorry about that, I just wanted to know who made your banana hammock.

Oh, that's not a banana hammock. It may LOOK like one but, I assure you... it's something far, far more sinister. And it'll cost ya $15 to know what it is.

Anyways, the creepy black dude followed me for a long time, so I got sorta weirded out and stopped... and he pasded me, but then he stopped too, standing almost right nect to me, and then he started a conversation about the weather.

So I was polite, and said yeah, weather's great! Then I started tossing rocks into the water, to see if he'd move on. But he didn't. He just stood there, tied his shoe, sorta lingered...

So I turned 90 degrees and walked back up the beach towards the road. When I turned back around he was walking the other way.

Keep in mind, I wasn't uncomfortable because he was black. I was uncomofrtable because he was a huge, creepy guy following me on the beach.

Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by Guru

Originally posted by solitary00

Originally posted by Guru

The beach. You know. Sand, surf, seagulls, creepy black dude who followed me for about a half mile and matched my pace and really weirded me out.



Sorry about that, I just wanted to know who made your banana hammock.

Oh, that's not a banana hammock. It may LOOK like one but, I assure you... it's something far, far more sinister. And it'll cost ya $15 to know what it is.

Anyways, the creepy black dude followed me for a long time, so I got sorta weirded out and stopped... and he pasded me, but then he stopped too, standing almost right nect to me, and then he started a conversation about the weather.

So I was polite, and said yeah, weather's great! Then I started tossing rocks into the water, to see if he'd move on. But he didn't. He just stood there, tied his shoe, sorta lingered...

So I turned 90 degrees and walked back up the beach towards the road. When I turned back around he was walking the other way.

Keep in mind, I wasn't uncomfortable because he was black. I was uncomofrtable because he was a huge, creepy guy following me on the beach.

The weather was great though, I dunno why I shouldn't follow perfect strangers and engage in meaningless conversations with them.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 11:13am

As an outsider, I would have to say, that this is by far the most entertaining thread I've ever read.


  • Fayaz as the negotiator.
  • Guru playing the role I enjoy playing, randomly popping in insulting people without actually calling them names.
  • Preach, sorry, Peaches as the angry kid whose Transformer lost an arm.
  • Fenix, for the fingersnapping comment (I enjoyed that one, thanks.)
  • Me, for being the first to use bulletpoints in this thread.

Ahh. Good times.

Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 11:25am
Is that the best you illiterate scrubs can come up with? "Peaches"? Norfolk In Chance already beat you women to the whole "come up with a different name similar to the original" schtick. Pathetic at best. Funny to see you running with it though as if it were an original thought.

Keep your angst filled hate flowing towards me... it's entertaining. I can come kick your puppy or hit on your sister if that would help get some more hate going. Let me know.



Posted By: Aled
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 1:58pm
Originally posted by Andronicus

As an outsider, I would have to say, that this is by far the most entertaining thread I've ever read.


  • Fayaz as the negotiator.
  • Guru playing the role I enjoy playing, randomly popping in insulting people without actually calling them names.
  • Preach, sorry, Peaches as the angry kid whose Transformer lost an arm.
  • Fenix, for the fingersnapping comment (I enjoyed that one, thanks.)
  • Me, for being the first to use bulletpoints in this thread.

Ahh. Good times.

Hi! Welcome to our masterpiece of a thread, full of replies that range from being simple works of art, to chock full of content!

Also, congratulations on being the pioneer of bullet point usage, you truly do set an example that we should all attempt to follow. I say attempt because I know that we'll never truly be on par with the original display of excellence.

That said,

Hello Andro.


Posted By: Avenger
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 3:23pm


Posted By: Tybox
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 4:19pm
Originally posted by Aled

Originally posted by Andronicus

As an outsider, I would have to say, that this is by far the most entertaining thread I've ever read.


  • Fayaz as the negotiator.
  • Guru playing the role I enjoy playing, randomly popping in insulting people without actually calling them names.
  • Preach, sorry, Peaches as the angry kid whose Transformer lost an arm.
  • Fenix, for the fingersnapping comment (I enjoyed that one, thanks.)
  • Me, for being the first to use bulletpoints in this thread.

Ahh. Good times.

Hi! Welcome to our masterpiece of a thread, full of replies that range from being simple works of art, to chock full of content!

Also, congratulations on being the pioneer of bullet point usage, you truly do set an example that we should all attempt to follow. I say attempt because I know that we'll never truly be on par with the original display of excellence.

That said,

Hello Andro.


Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 1:07am
did anyone ever notice that if you took away half the worlds population, the other half would be all of it?


Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 1:10am
Im now the 1CMM Personal Trainer any advice or tips you need feel free to contact my secretary " ap0ck " <3 and we shall get you put into the schedule!

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Mars
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 7:01am
those scatmax hordes forced me to get av back, stop that please so i can get my toys back


Posted By: Preach
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 7:22am
Originally posted by Avenger

AKA "looking for buttsechs partner"


Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 8:50am

Guys, honestly, drop the weapons and enjoy the better things in life: -


That's all this thread needed.


Posted By: Effekt
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 9:41am
Hi Jban

tehReaper, Ahriman Corps , better than Baron

Posted By: Jbanicar
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 9:52am


Posted By: Goffin
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:44am

I'm not even about to read a thread that's 10 pages in depth..



F that!

Ball punching for Teh Win!

Posted By: Mars
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 12:35pm


Posted By: Avenger
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 3:20pm
Originally posted by Preach

Originally posted by Avenger

AKA "looking for buttsechs partner"

That was really clever...


Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 7:55pm
this thread made me lol


Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:12pm
so does your kitty loaf


Posted By: t0ken1
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:42pm
my kitty loaf strikes fear into the hearts of people...not make people lol. I demand a retraction of your blasphemous slander of kitty loaf.


Posted By: fenix
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 11:57am
dude.. you have no idea what happened.. i was sleeping last night, then all the sudden this kitty loaf rises through my floor and starts eating everything in its path as it came towards me... it was so f**kin scary. i then ran, jumped out my third story window. luckily my neck was there to break my fall. but then.. the kitty loaf came flying out after me.. it kept saying "DO A BARREL ROLL!" and wouldnt stop repeating it...

sh*t dude, that think SO fruckin scary!


Posted By: SpyDemon
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 12:05pm

Originally posted by fenix

dude.. you have no idea what happened.. i was sleeping last night, then all the sudden this kitty loaf rises through my floor and starts eating everything in its path as it came towards me... it was so f**kin scary. i then ran, jumped out my third story window. luckily my neck was there to break my fall. but then.. the kitty loaf came flying out after me.. it kept saying "DO A BARREL ROLL!" and wouldnt stop repeating it...

sh*t dude, that think SO fruckin scary!



Posted By: MadDawg
Date Posted: 15/March/2006 at 12:49pm

Originally posted by Preach

I like the thread where they are bragging about their kills/player ratio and compare them to other outfits... but they fail to mention 1CMM and how we completely dominated all other outfits, including Delta Transvestites. Ignorance FTW! - opic&t=298

I ignore all of their talk about being leet.  Saying your outfit has more kills than an outfit like KOTOR that has to remake all characters and start from scratch is silly.  All well, mirror knows who his daddy is.  ME.

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