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Nintendo Wii strap replacement program (free)

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Topic: Nintendo Wii strap replacement program (free)
Posted By: Fidelio
Subject: Nintendo Wii strap replacement program (free)
Date Posted: 15/December/2006 at 10:42pm - - AP: Nintendo "Recalls" 3.2 Million Wii Straps

Looks like Nintendo, while a bit slow to react, is taking the classy way out of their flimsy Wii strap fiasco.

After staying mum on the issue since launch, the publisher finally admitted they had an issue to the Associated Press and then announced that they are replacing Wii straps for those who would like the peace of mind of knowing that when they play Wii Sports they won't be caving in the front of their $3,000 plasma screen.

The AP reports that the company announced today that they are "recalling" 3.2 million straps for the Wii.

According to the Nintendo site, if you have an original version of the strap you need to complete a form. Once the replacement strap has shipped you will receive an email from the company. They say on the site they expect to start shipping the straps by Dec. 21 and it will take five to nine days for delivery.

I'd love to take credit for this, but since the announcement came about an hour after - my call for free replacements , I suspect it was already in the works.

Once more major kudos to Nintendo for handling this properly. I think everyone could learn from how they deal with hardware issues. Brian Crecente - Strap Replacement Form

Wii Remote Wrist Strap Replacement Request Form

Nintendo is offering to replace the original version of the wrist straps for the Wii Remote with a newer version. Because Wii consoles shipped starting in early December already utilized the newer version of the strap, you will need to determine which version of the strap you have before ordering a replacement. To view the difference between the original and the new version of the strap, please click here.

If you have an original version of the strap, please complete the form below to get a replacement (also, to ensure you continue to have a fun & safe experience, please read our Safety Information for Playing Wii by clicking here).

Once your replacement wrist strap has shipped, you will receive a confirmation email from Nintendo. We expect to begin shipping replacement straps around December 21st. It will take 5 to 9 days for delivery depending on your location. Please do not contact Nintendo regarding your replacement wrist strap until after that time period has passed.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your interest in our products.

sourced from the great folks at

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 15/December/2006 at 11:21pm

Personaly, i havnet had any problems with the straps. in fact, i dont even use them...

it boggles my mind how people can trow these things around like lunatics

Posted By: Xenetic
Date Posted: 15/December/2006 at 11:25pm
I took off the strap the day i bought the Wii, it's annoying imo.


Posted By: Stairway
Date Posted: 15/December/2006 at 11:45pm
Thats awesome of Nintendo to actually care about thier product but honestly, you have to be kidding me. I cant believe these morons who throw thieir Wiimote into the TV. 

Posted By: Fidelio
Date Posted: 16/December/2006 at 1:16am
i agree with all three of you, but i ordered some replacement straps in case someone looks like they might get out of control, they're gonna get "strapped".

Posted By: Verdant Force
Date Posted: 16/December/2006 at 1:43am
Just dont invite the guy named Bubba over and i think you should be good.

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