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Quote Tybox Replybullet Topic: Election Results
    Posted: 08/November/2006 at 6:06pm

Well, looks like the dems have control of House/Senate(Virginia may be reviewed...hopefully it stays LEGIT).

What do you think will happen for the future now?
More or less teh same aside from us maybe pulling out from Iraq earlier?
Increase in Stem Cell research?
Gay folks can marry in peace?  
Lewis Black for talking points:(NWS) (6min mark for the above gay reference)
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Quote PadCooter Replybullet Posted: 08/November/2006 at 8:02pm
Democrats are idiots.

Take from the hard-working, give to the non-working.
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Quote Bhopx Replybullet Posted: 08/November/2006 at 11:54pm
as long as they dont cut troop funding or undo the tax cuts to screw over our booming economy, i dont care what they do.
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Quote Jersey Replybullet Posted: 08/November/2006 at 11:54pm
I myself am a democrat. I dont agree with everything that democrats in "office", congress senate etc do. However my views on certain issues stick towards the liberal view. I cant agree with all the government sponsered programs such as people who dont deserve welfare, or milk everything they can get off of it. Through my 25 years of exsistence I am yet to see a republican president that I can appreciate. I was alive through some of the reagan years but far to young to have any recolection of "reganomics." I do however think that Bill Clinton was the best president this country has ever had in my lifetime. As far as Gay marraige goes, to me its like dude whatever. I think a persons sexual preferance should be left out of governments hands. Marriage is an oath that 2 people swear to each other. Of course there entails the legal end of it. (the prenups, the documents, etc). But I think fags, homos, dykes whatever should be aloud (legally) to be married. Mostly because I dont give a sh*t about people getting married, but I try and keep an open mind alot of the time.
As for Iraq, I think weve been there to long. Im not actually completely up to date as to why were are still there, so I cant form a solid opinion about it. Im not much of a fan of stem cell research I think the idea of cloaning someone is insane. If it could be used in a matter to cure diseases than Im 100% for it, but its not always used for that idea.
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Quote Jbanicar Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 12:15am
PLAY GAMES NO MORE POLITICAL TALK.  Goodness.  I can read the news.
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Quote Fidelio Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 12:20am
/agree jban

there's 64,783,237 other places on the web to talk politics.

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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 3:08am
Originally posted by Bhopx

as long as they dont cut troop funding or undo the tax cuts to screw over our booming economy, i dont care what they do.
Booming eh? I'm not really catching this boom.
I don't get how on the macro level, people can be so excited or not about things. Sure on average, if so and so is doing well, great, but how does it impact you or close friends/family?

Perfect example is Iraq:
How is our effort there hurting or helping us here on daily basis? Does it make us safer? Does it do the opposite? All I know for sure, is it costing a crap ton to fund, costing numerous lives(thousands wounded as well) and so forth.
Those are the facts.
 Notions of defending freedom, protecting American etc, can be argued and fought over forever, with no clear answers.
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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 3:10am
Originally posted by Fidelio

/agree jban

there's 64,783,237 other places on the web to talk politics.

Don't start acting like Sturmgrenadier now...they have it explicitly in their charter not to bring up politics, religion etc.
Pretty smart on balance, but I think we are cool enough with previous discussions. After all, isn't it better to still respect someone even if their views differ? Rather than sweep those views under the rug, while the proverbial giant elephant takes a dump on your chest?
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Quote Fidelio Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 5:15am
it's not about sweeping anything under the rug, it's about keeping it to yourself to avoid conflict within the group. and when it's all said and done, you may respect someone elses views, but you may also have irreconcilable differences exposed that could have been avoided in the first place.

we're here to play games!

fyi - i could give a rats f**k ass what sturmgrenadier does or doesn't do and my views are certainly not based on any knowledge or insight garnered from them, and am offended at the mention of subscribing to their groupthink.
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Quote solitary00 Replybullet Posted: 09/November/2006 at 8:29am
Originally posted by PadCooter

Democrats are idiots.

Take from the hard-working, give to the non-working.

I bet a lot of people are glad for that, when corporate big wigs (talk about the real hard workers) decide that half rate work for 10% of the cost from foreign countries is a good plan.....laying off hundreds and thousands of the real "hard-working"....

Then to salt the wound, still collect 7-8 figure annual bonuses when the company is going down the sh*tter.

Golf and executive e-mail must really be taxing..

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