Originally posted by Goffin
As laylos keeps telling me, It's a hell of a learning curve from PS. Sometimes I'm in that Lasher/JH charge on more than one person only to keep getting my ass handed to me.
Phear the svd tybo.. If you don't get off a head shot, I'm already 3 shots deep into your ass :D 
Verdant is already becoming a sniping whore. He's better than me hands down.
I have heard that an SVD headshot is entirely possible. I may have to fool aruond with it some more. Snowd and Fid keep telling me to roll with that so I can be a better close in support, but I pwn with the pistol/claymore/nades, so it's not much of an issue.
I would rather have the ability to get that 1 shot insta killl at range, and the SVD just can't quite do that. Also, the way the thing is FREAKING LOUD also attracts a ton of attention, most often by other snipers who know you are prone and trying to rapid fire into someone.
And beyond everything else, it is just plain cooler to use the bolt-action rifles IMHO.
The other day on that Wake Island 2007 map with 24 folks, I was really missing the .50 cal too...there was this choppper pilot just sitting there over the flag, and all my L96 ammo just bounced off the window. I actually ended up just using my pistol to finish off the fuselage lol. But I may re-try the 50 cal on some maps, like Mashtuur that has those two choppers...but damn, if the sucker isn't innacurate at range.
I also tried the G3 out...man, that thing sucks with the clip size(20), even on single fire I was running out constantly. Combine the fact I get no claymores(wooptdy doo I get a smoke nade) makes the G3/Assualt kinda obsolete. Now if I could use a G3 AND a medic class...that woudl be kinda tight.