Originally posted by maxaris
I dont understand why everyone cares what everyone else has certed on other teams.
I'll break it down for ya Max.
See, some players in this game get HUGE egos and mentalities about what is "fair-play" (or crutches) and what is not.
Anyone who uses Pshields is a ultimate loser, yet said user often does win out in 1 vs 1 battles against the pshield less . Usually the l337 player will blame Pshield as the cause, although 90% of the time the Pshield user will be a sitting duck b/c of no stam later in the fight.
The coup de grais is the Max user+Pshield. Often times people like Sturm will have it certed for their firiing lines, because they don't ADADADADADA warp like others do(myself included).
(Me personally I like to surge and rep/rearm, not sit there like an idiot with no stam).
Max users:(mainly AI max, Scat Max being the most hated and feared)
3-6(Unixmax) Cert points for a huge hulking beast that can lay waste to infantry, but islow as a snail, can be taken out in 2-3 seconds via AV/CE/AP, cannot repair/hack etc.
Every 1337fit has some users who love it, this goes down and up from time to time, leading to stuff like this from our friend Descada.
Same as above but considered even more pathetic and skillless.
To sum it up: Anyone who tries to achieve some kind of "unfair" or "cheap" advantage is deemed unworthy by a MINORITY in the PS community. I always wondered if running around in standard getting knife kills would be the ultimate show of 1337ness.