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Forum Whore
Joined: 17/May/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 3:00pm |
Originally posted by KhemosabeThere's two sides to every story Spart. I
have *never* pulled scat when the situation didn't warrant it.
TRx can bitch about wanting a good grunt fight but when they're OSing
our AMSes and spamming plasma on the stairs that doesn't tell me they
want to fight at all. At that point I'm going to pull scat.
I can kill anyone just fine with a JH, I don't need a MAX to kill
anything, but when we're facing combined MAX/grunt forces significantly
larger than our number then we're going to need combined MAX/grunt
forces ourselves to achieve our objective.
I personally feel you've lost sight of the
"fighting to turn sh*t blue and keep it that way" focus of 1CMM,
instead of just farming. An overly large (IMO) percentage of your
time is spent whoring up some tower or an interlink while the rest of
us try and resecure bases and hold hacks. The NC have been given
a great tool for doing exactly that, the Scatmax. The JH is a 1v1
weapon, its lack of range makes it significantly less useful than
MCG/lasher in a mult vs. multi situation as everyone can't be
close to the opposition at the same time and have clear LOS to the
target. The Scatmax is a great way of overcoming that
limitation. When we had 5 guys and pulled 4 scats at Marduk
against ~10 AC and friends and prevailed, it was just doing what we had
to do to win. They can bitch and cry on the PS forums all they
want, it won't change how I play, and neither will you. I played
for over a year with MA only and did a damn fine job of it, and if I
want to go straight up HA and MAX at this point I'll do just that, and
I've got 2 fingers in the air for anyone who wants to tell me different.
All this bitching is only coming because they are
LOSING to us. If we weren't using maxes they'd be bitching about
something else. I don't see AC and DT putting away their
spamtastic lashers in interlinks while fighting us, even though that
weapon is basically "I Win" mode there. I don't see TRx shying
away from using focused fire from multiple MCGs, even though that
weapon is godly at that. We've been given a tool to use to
compete against those things, and I'm going to use it.
If you call me out in a public forum you're going to
get a response in the same place. If you want to take this to the
private forums now that's fine, if not that's fine to.
Well damn, rough day at work?
Get this man some mexican cornbread, STAT. ;)
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Joined: 23/June/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 3:26pm |
Originally posted by rangerDAVEI dropped my MAX because I got MAX Op Gold 
I dropped scatmax a long time ago for this reason also.. i have no reason to use it other than the merit.
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Joined: 27/May/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 6:36pm |
** Looks for the part where he wrote Khemosabe in his post. **
** Doesn't find it. **
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American Hero
Joined: 19/May/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 6:51pm |
I don't care about the MAX merit. I just want to continue mowing
through enemies... while flickering my PShield just to piss them off.
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Joined: 13/June/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 7:13pm |
< ="text/">yZxzso(1,"yZxTimeout('enableDesignMode()', 20);");
Originally posted by Sparticus
FOUND IT!!!!111
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Joined: 17/May/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 7:20pm |
"but I agree with our opponents that some of our players are taking scat MAXs from situational use to a crutch."
Who were you talking about then? I pull Scatmax as much as anybody in 1CMM. If you're going to sh*t on members of your own outfit's playstyle sack up and name names.
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Joined: 27/May/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 7:29pm |
Time to take this to the outfit only section. See you there.
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Forum Whore
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 7:34pm |
Whatever it takes to win, screw the dumbasses who think your not "1337" enough.
Some people would use a knife and standard all day if they thought it would make them look "cooler,"
I have used a biffer, pshieild, SA, Max etc etc-do I suck? Am I less capable? Am I team player?
Thats one reason I love 1CMM, they are objective focused FIRST, then "whoring/"1337ness" second, while a lot of outfits get those mixed up a lot.
Please, lets shove our tri-barrled max fists up their asses next time they bring up this crap.
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 9:14pm |
one last comment...
theres a reason that the same few vs and tr outfits consistantly post about this
they have members that play in both outfits... so its a big antiscatmax sewing circle.
which when i found this out made quite abit of sense to me. explains some of my suspicions
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Joined: 09/July/2005
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 Posted: 01/September/2005 at 11:56pm |
i agree with those who say it is a good tactical advantage to have when outnumbered. I only have agile certed, and sure I do lots of 5 v 1s.. in my agile, but when its 15 VS lasher / thumper spaming down some stairs. I'd rather pull a scat max and retake the base instead of dieing to a plasma nade, spawning and repeating 6x, althought I'm sure that would be their definition of a 'good fight' I dont see why any skilled outfit that is prepared and fairly organized would have any problems taking out a 4 man max team, I mean really, its not our fault they all have plasma SA pulled instead of DECIs like they should have... I mean c'mon whos the whore now? anyways, my five cents... loggin IG....
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