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Sentinel Wannabe

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Quote Interpol Replybullet Posted: 03/August/2007 at 9:12pm
There's nothing to that--the President is just a retard.
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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 03/August/2007 at 9:54pm
Right, so when he clearly says he 'saw it on the tv' and 'the tv was obviously on' on 9/11... the day where evrebody remembers where they where, what they where doing, and how they heard it first, this man forgot how he first heard verry thing that would affect his Presidency the most.
and its not like he said this YEARS after, this was 3 months after. a retard maybe, but his memory is not that bad.
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Sentinel Wannabe

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Quote Interpol Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 12:21am
Actually, I'm not sure if it was public knowledge at the time where he was and how he had received the information. So actually, I think he was using it probably for dramatic effect or whatever.

Realistically, the vast majority of media would not let a conspiracy on this scale pass--especially after the dozens of news organizations that researched it after the release of Loose Change. Seriously, more people died on 9/11 than on Pearl Harbor. I know it's hard to imagine that a small group of people can have such a devastating impact on the lives of so many, which is why we fall to conspiracy theories--so it doesn't make us seem as vulnerable and gives meaning to the deaths of thousands.

It's the same thing that happened with Kennedy's death, in that so many people believed it impossible for our President, the leader of the free world, to die to the actions of a lone gunman, completely out of his mind. These things, however, happen.

There's really no point in arguing it further, I could post a ton of links debunking Loose Change, as the search 'Debunking Loose Change' alone yields over 275,000 results on Google.

In the end, I guess, believe whatever you want to.

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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 2:27am
Your such an idiot Verdant. So much so that it is painful to watch someone flounder around in a pile of nonsense and half-truths and claim it to be gospel. Please stay in your ignorant world filled with tin-foil hats and black helicopters that are circling your house... the rest of us don't want you in the real world.
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Quote Fidelio Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 7:55am
.......... aaaaand this is why we don't have religious or political conversations.
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Quote [Hoe] Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 4:39pm
  Though the people who believe George Bush was in on "it" have some questionable points, I find it hard to beleive that our gov. could do all the planning for 9/11 and not plant WMD in Iraq.
  How hard could planting some WMD in Iraq be compared to 9/11? I guess Bush was just busy though with planning the whole Katrina thing. At least he saved some face with dropping the steel overpass with that tanker truck so he could prove fire can melt steel.
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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 10:35pm
Preach thats the second time you post without adding anything to the conversation...  please stay out of it if you dont want to have an actual conversation, and just want to trow out the same old bland empty insults, you sound like a broken record.
i used to think like you preach, i really did, i though they where all loony's and cooks, and the loose change film only helped to re-inforced that. i was fooled, for a year or two, by all the propeganda from your president. then, one of my friends came to me and started telling me about it, i wanted soo bad to disprouve him, i bought the 911 commision report,(your official report) and read every last word... after reading the book, i finaly gave in.
only a few chapters cover the collapse of the towers, in it they mentioned that their  models of the towers DID NOT FAIL, they could NOT cause it to fail with damage similar to the ones in the towers. so they gave up and built a computer program to simulate it, and of course that worked... because anything can be made to work on computers. dont beleive me? buy the book for yourself and read it.
they dont even MENTION WTC7, not once,as well as another building (saint nicolas church) they should have both been in there. and MOST of the chapters are on 'how to prevent this from happening again'. most of the suggestions have not been introduced...
 if you wont hear it from me, maybe you will hear it from sombody who was there. who worked there, who got sick and is deing from being at ground zero, a victim like many others. the victims and their famaly's arent calling for revenge, they want a proper investigation.
Pol, forget about loose change, loose change is crap... if your really think thats where all this is coming from your a fool. but to continue the train of though about bush being able to watch the first impact, they did have prior knowledge of an attack,
here is a memo given to the president on august 6th,
and there is evidence of a hole slew of warnings givin to them prior to 9/11, from pretty much evrewhere around erupoe.
i will be the first to admit i dont have every anser, i bearly know anything. but i make an effort to gather as much information as i can.
Hoe here just mentioned somthing about melting steel? of course steel melts, at a certain tempurature, but jet fuel doesnt burn hot enough to melt it. it is enough to weaken it yes.
 so, lets say, hypotheticly, that the plane crash and fires cause WTC 1 and 2 to collapse, as the fuel from the planes caught fire and weakened the steel enough to make the load too much for it to support.
that still does not explain molten steel at the base of the towers. MOLTEN STEEL and weeks or months later, it was still there... and before you say somthing silly like ' oh, but the collapse of the towers might have caused the heat' or somthing like that, the NIST denies that there even was molten steel there.
here is a site with more information then i could ever look at, but its a good starting point.
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Sentinel Wannabe

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Quote Interpol Replybullet Posted: 04/August/2007 at 11:16pm
Originally posted by Verdant Force

Pol, forget about loose change, loose change is crap... if your really think thats where all this is coming from your a fool. but to continue the train of though about bush being able to watch the first impact, they did have prior knowledge of an attack,
here is a memo given to the president on august 6th,
and there is evidence of a hole slew of warnings givin to them prior to 9/11, from pretty much evrewhere around erupoe.

Ver, the only reason why I referenced Loose Change so much is because... well, that's why the thread was created.

Do you realize the scope of the president's job? Overlooking one memo is very much in the realm of possibility, considering the thousands of new threats the government learns of daily.

In fact, I'd guarantee that you would find at least one memo in any given circumstance that any US president has been involved in, countering their final decision (either for the better or for the worse).

Examples: Memo's sent to Kennedy to not go through with the Bay of Pigs; Memo's heading to Johnson to not expand forces in Vietnam, etc.

Simply put, not every threat can be taken seriously. As the old adage goes, hindsight is 20/20.

And what Hoe said; why not plant weapons of mass destruction if invading Iraq was their final goal? In fact, if the government is so heartless as to kill its own citizens, why not just target more insurgent forces with missiles--at the expense of Iraqi civilian lives (more common now in neighborhoods for troops to go in and secure a city or a portion of one).

This isn't 1939, nor is it V for Vendetta. I simply find the case you're proposing an impossibility.

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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 06/August/2007 at 1:08am

like i said before pol, i dont have every anser,i dont pretend or think i do. why did they not plant WMD? maybe they would have been easily tracked back to usa... maybe they DIDIENT NEED TO? they are still there right now arent they?  there is no 'exit plan' in sight, anywhere. so, why would they have needed to plant the WMD to stay?

but see, now im the one making up my own theory, i dont have any information on that.
 i dont deal with things other then facts, so i cant anser anything about the WMD issue. but there are still people out there who beleive that they did find WMD's... because the though has been seared into their skulls by mind numing repetativness.
but, i dont blame them, since your 'News' released stuff like this
(going to make a bit of fun of your president here, because pretty much everything he says these days is funny as hell to me)
lol, look at his face after he finish hes sentance.. he is like ' Oh shit, did i really say that? .. dam it )

the fact is the president had a memo on the 6th, saying that Bin laden was determined to attack. and as far as i know, this was the last memo the president had seen before the attack, as he went for a month long vacation that august, and he REQUESTED the memo. your free to prove me wrong on that 'last memo before 911' thing, i am not certain about that, and im actualy pretty busy this week end so i dont have time to look it up..

then, 3 months after 9/11, he admited to WATCHING the first plane hittin the tower BEFORE he went into the classroom.
the fact that you THINK that he said it as a publicity stunt is your THEORY.
you MADE THIS UP, what information do you have to back it up?
you lie to yourself to make yourself feel safe again... and i dont blame you
a found a page a little while ago, with some nice intel. in it, there are some things i dont fully understand, but, im not a pilot... so i dont understand what stuff like 'ground effect' other then the fact that your plane reacts diffrently when its close to the ground... but anyway
in it i find this quote from a much larger chunk of text, that i find intresting.
"Hani Hanjour. Reported to have 600TT and a Commercial Certificate (see quotes right margin). Hani tried to get checked out in a 172 a few weeks prior at Freeway Airport in MD. Two seperate CFI's took Hani up to check him out. Baxter and Conner found that Hani had trouble controlling and landing a 172 at 65 knots. Bernard, the Chief CFI, refused to rent him the 172. I have instructed many years. I have soloed students in 172's when i had 300 hours as a CFI. How anyone could not control a 172 at 600TT and a Commercial is beyond me. Flight Schools keep going till you "get it" if you are a bit rusty, and then rent you the plane. They are in business to make money after all. .right? The Chief CFI basically refused any further lessons and basically told him to get lost. All this can be confirmed through google searches."
( For those who dont know, Hani was the guy that was sopposably in the pilot seat when he flew his plane into the pentagon )
and, also they examine the discrepancies betwen the flight data recorder, and the inforation they gave in the 911 commision report(MAJOR differences betwen the two). they interview a few Air force fighter pilots and even an interview with a former boston air traffic controler.
i dont beleive all the looney crap i hear out there, because there is allot of it. i dig down for the stuff that is has substance, has a backing, has information relating to it, and can be proven...
example, here is obviously a mistake, on part of BBC. reporting WTC7 colapsing before it actualy does ( by 20 minuts or so ).
you can see WTC7 on the upper right of the cityscape...
what i find FUNNY about the whole 9/11 coverage, is that BBC LOST THEIR FOOTAGE! ALL OF IT!... on quite possibly the most important news day of our time, and they LOOSE IT!.. wtf?
( i know the article is about the video link i posted above, but they say they lost ALL their footage in it... )
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Quote Goffin Replybullet Posted: 06/August/2007 at 10:54am
if you think i have the energy to read this,     lol to you sir.
Ball punching for Teh Win!

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