Well, "dual-coring" could be considered a form of speed hacking as it speeds up the interpolation of your character movement on the screen. The problem remains is that of Planetside's with possible some blame be placed on SOE. When Client Side Hit Detection (CSHD) extrapolates (or gets) your input from the keyboard for movement prediction, it assigns timestamps to it. Now Planetside is obsol33t

in the way it receives these timestamps, it bypasses the Window's API and gets them from the RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) which increments itself to provide the correct timestamps. Thus, with a dual-core system, Planetside is not taking advantage of the logic in the dual-core processors and the timestamps become incremented faster leading to faster interpolation of a person on your screen. I suggest anyone with an AMD dual-core system download the AMD Dual-Core Optimizer which fixes the incorrect timing effects.
http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/TechnicalResources/0,,30_182_871_9706,00.html . If you find someone "dual-coring," I would just nicely tell them to download AMD's Dual-Core Optimizer, many of them do not know about this issue. You could possibly build upon my CSHD theories, and dead-reckon your shots for compensation of the faster interpolation, but its hard without Audio Amp to continually see where they are.