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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Topic: Some intresting Vids.
    Posted: 17/July/2006 at 9:39am

i saw these a while ago, but they just popped up again, and i think its worth posting.

Introduction to quantum Physics.
1 hour and 45 min vid. blew my mind.
the girls are anoying as hell tho.
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Quote solitary00 Replybullet Posted: 17/July/2006 at 10:21am

Elegant Universe is also a very good watch if you're interested.

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Quote Fidelio Replybullet Posted: 17/July/2006 at 11:15am
i like brian greene. but i also like michio kaku. niel degrasse tyson to a lesser extent, but still very good.

mmm physics.

i also like david suzuki, not for physics of course, but personable like the others.
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Quote Goffin Replybullet Posted: 17/July/2006 at 11:39am
I like cheese and potatoes
Ball punching for Teh Win!

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Quote MadDawg Replybullet Posted: 17/July/2006 at 12:26pm
Originally posted by Goffin

I like cheese and potatoes
mmmm me too.
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Quote NaeBlis Replybullet Posted: 18/July/2006 at 12:25am
Hehe..I own what the bleep do we know, and brian's book.
No doubt the connection between eastern philosophy and quantum mechanics has been a great interest to me (you should see my book collection). It has even led me into the great works the classical philosophers.
I suppose it's the main reason for choosing my college major.
p.s. ...I just love these pictures from inside of a bubble chamber. Physics is great ^_^
Teh Nibblies
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Quote Fayaz Replybullet Posted: 18/July/2006 at 12:21pm
10$ says NaeBliss is really my brother. That, or you'd have a field day just talking to him. No joke. He's studying physics, quantum physics, fluid mechanics, nano-engineering, history of science, scientific revolutions, he's really in to that stuff; as well as evolutionary biology, genetics, etc.
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Quote Dark4 Replybullet Posted: 18/July/2006 at 12:26pm
I just posted this vid on the Overlords forums a couple days ago myself, strange.  Here are my thoughts on it

What I don't get is, according to the film, reality as we see it is untrue and is formed only by the way our brains perceive it and visualize it. So that means every person that has been run over by a car or shot or something created that reality in their brain and lived it. Thats just nonsense as I see it and means there must be the working of an outside force - God for example. I dunno, I'm probably wrong on all this as I'm still confused as hell.

Also, everything discussed in it contradicts Newtonian physics, which is what we've all been taught and still teach today. I dunno, I have my doubts on it, but its interesting nonetheless.

It all goes back to the old 'mind over matter' ideas and all.
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Quote solitary00 Replybullet Posted: 18/July/2006 at 1:29pm
Originally posted by Fayaz

He's studying physics, fluid mechanics, scientific revolutions, evolutionary biology, genetics, etc.

Yeah, I like sex too.

Leave the nano-engineering in and you could make it sex with Pad.

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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 18/July/2006 at 1:30pm
i think you missed somthing in that vid. the hole point its treing to make is stuff is only 'real' when we are watching, now if you got shot, i would imagine you would 'watch' that :)
Ever see that Episode of  'Doctor who' i think it was.. with those little blue men that basicly 'create' evre seen in your life. guess what, its been going on all along, for all of us ;)
and i sat down and though about.. how it was possible that somthing reacted a difrent way because we where checking on it.. the only anser that came to me was
' we are all gods Imagination ' and im athiest :p
funny thing tho, the day i watched that, i asked myself, i wonder if all of that i really true, i dont think ive ever had a sing. i went down and grapped a pop out from my basement, i came back up and put it on my desk, a few seconds later i went to open it, only to notice it was upside down.
now, i know that sounds stupid, but ive done that at least 5,000 times befor, and NEVER befor have i accidenly put it upside down, and i never have done it again either. Concidence? yes, but a freaky one.
Ps. i would LOVE to get into all that stuff Fayaz was talking about. but i aint got money, ( or the grades ) for it. :(
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