i think you missed somthing in that vid. the hole point its treing to make is stuff is only 'real' when we are watching, now if you got shot, i would imagine you would 'watch' that :)
Ever see that Episode of 'Doctor who' i think it was.. with those little blue men that basicly 'create' evre seen in your life. guess what, its been going on all along, for all of us ;)
and i sat down and though about.. how it was possible that somthing reacted a difrent way because we where checking on it.. the only anser that came to me was
' we are all gods Imagination ' and im athiest :p
funny thing tho, the day i watched that, i asked myself, i wonder if all of that i really true, i dont think ive ever had a sing. i went down and grapped a pop out from my basement, i came back up and put it on my desk, a few seconds later i went to open it, only to notice it was upside down.
now, i know that sounds stupid, but ive done that at least 5,000 times befor, and NEVER befor have i accidenly put it upside down, and i never have done it again either. Concidence? yes, but a freaky one.
Ps. i would LOVE to get into all that stuff Fayaz was talking about. but i aint got money, ( or the grades ) for it. :(