bought a new bike about month and ahalf ago, been ridin lots in the coulees here, thought id share some pics of my ride today.

my bew bike, before heading down, its pretty dope i dig it.

the dangers of heading into the coulees, they bask in the sun on hot days, when i was a kid we used to throw rocks and poke them , pretty stupid in retrospect, but fun!

my playground

didnt take any more pictures at the bottom, had the camera in my backpack and didnt want to take it out :p

my room, mess after poker

no door so i have budha beeds lol

my house, its awsome i dig it

from the front of my house its a stones throw away from the lake here in town

rich neighbors, i honestly have no idea how this place fell into my lap, but im stoked.

my lake

golf course across the lake, too bad i cant afford it lol, so i go to the par 3 here in town, its cheap

the pier

looking from the lake back towards my street

the way i bike to work, nothin better than throwin some tunes and bikin to work

my back yard, that tree kicks ass, big time
anyways, was having fun with the camera today,