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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Topic: General Rant.
    Posted: 02/June/2006 at 2:48am

Ok, this has always bugged me, but just last week it happend 4 houses down from where i live. so now im pissed.

sorry if i offend anybody, i need to let off some steam

Befor i say anything else, im tottaly fine with Indians who WORK for a living.

Ok, so, An Indian moved onto my street. thats was fine, i dont have any sort of racisem against them, some of my best buds are indians too. but, one thing i Abseloutly CANT STAND, is when they come from their country, and go on Welfare the second they get landed imigrant status. next thing i know his hole EXTENDED Famaly is moving into his house. there must be like 20 people living inside there now, all on welfare, they dont even have a CAR. and we never see them leave home, and we tried to be good Neighbors, we walked over and introduced ourselfs, and welcome them to our street, but then they took a 'High and mighty' tone of voice and told us to get off their land. why do we let bastards like this into the country? who for some reason think they are smarter then us for taking the easy way out and going on welfare, thats there for people who NEED it, not for lazy bastards.

i swear if we cut off all Finacial aid Benifits down to only Full Fledge Canadians, we could afford an army as big as USA. im tired of these Ignorant bastards just sitting there, leeching off of our system, moving from house to house, all payed for by welfare.

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Quote MadDawg Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 11:21am
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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 11:35am
You are lucky they didn't shoot you with a bow and arrow when you were on their property!
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Quote Goffin Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 3:42pm

Can you image the smell coming out of a house with 20 + indians that bathe like once every 3 months? 



Ball punching for Teh Win!

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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 5:01pm
They love to smoke those peace pipes a lot!
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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 6:13pm

preach, your thinking of the wrong kind of Indians, im talking about EAST indians, not native :p i should have specified..


And ive killed a moose with a bow and arrow, they are Deadly silent weapons. ( i missed twice, and he didient move )

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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 7:04pm
Haha... I know.
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Quote AquaNox Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 7:40pm
What the hell would Canada need an Army parallel to the US for, verd? To rage war against the mighty elk?
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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 7:50pm
They need it to wage war against all of the Abominable Snowmen that ravage the Canadian countryside. It's scary out there! True story.
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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 02/June/2006 at 9:53pm




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