Whelp, if you hadn't noticed, this is my gheto ass sig i use on the PS forums. MS paint ftw.

Now, I loved Preach's sig he made me back in the day, but I kinda feel it's time I step up to something a little better than MS paint.
And Ambient and the other slave labor sig makers on PS are revolting atm, so no luck there.
Course, if I was a midget, I would no doubt use those slick, and simple, hot drop sigs like Fayaz and others use. Alas, this is not the case (yet...) so for now, can anyone craft me a sig?
Some ideas:
I really like Ozziking's sig by Ambient

It's got a really nice color pallete, and the central figure in f**kING SEXY BR 25 armor(HELMET ON FTW!) is just great.
So perhaps something like that, let me know if you need any more ideas/help.
Not sure if I want to throw max in there, perhaps a central figure above like Ozz's in rexo, then 2 figures flanking it.(maybe BR 25 scat max on left, agile on right hot dropping, a close up of the hotdrop though, with the blue haze floating down. Then my name (Tybox) in there above or below it somewhere.
Dimensions: 760 X160 or thereabouts.(is there a sig limit on these forums by chance?)