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Quote Bhopx Replybullet Posted: 14/March/2007 at 2:42pm
so basically this is a friend simulator for people who have none in RL?

seriously, people need to turn off their computer/TV and go outside more, not playing a game that simulates RL...
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Quote Goffin Replybullet Posted: 14/March/2007 at 3:21pm;_ylt=Ar9rFgNu3QtpL7gIrwQF98UjtBAF
Now this is going to be funneh!   I'll take a keyboard/mouse combo over a controller anyday of the week.     
I forsee a lot of
(me on pc) BOOM, Heat shot.. BOOM head shot.
(13 year old on the xbox) like omg, there's no way you could kill me that fast and you're warping all over the place.   wahhhhh wahhhhh  wahhhhhhhhh
Ball punching for Teh Win!

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Verdant Force
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Quote Verdant Force Replybullet Posted: 14/March/2007 at 3:48pm
Originally posted by Bhopx

so basically this is a friend simulator for people who have none in RL?

seriously, people need to turn off their computer/TV and go outside more, not playing a game that simulates RL...
no, i wasent talking about the program they call 'home' ( their version of Xbox live )
I was talking about Little big planet, its in part 2 of that video.. il get the vids from google/youtube, easier to access
i like how games are starting to give power to the Gamer to create his own things this is Definitly the way foward in gaming for the future
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Quote Fidelio Replybullet Posted: 02/August/2007 at 11:21am

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