ok, so i got this awesome beta key for wow, to bad i quit a few months ago

since i no longer play, i was wondering if anyone here wanted a beta key. so post if ya play WoW and are interested in playing beta, ill help ya upgrade you account to alpha. i really only want to give this to people who will be playing wow for a long time. once you enter this beta, you will be thrown in the other 1,000 people list for the next alpha/beta and will get another invite for the next xpac or random blizzard games. all ya gata do it PM or post that you play wow and will be playing for a long time. im not to sure how ill decide since im sure a lot of you play wow and i only have 1 key. i guess ill have to STUF OR DUEL! maby ill make a lil competion out of it

we will see hehe