Funny thing... the sceene in that movie is not in the game...
but anyway, its a good game
now that i think about it, this is probably how he was 'Captured'
now, ok, nothing in the game says he was captured, but throut the entire game you get a Glimpse of what his past was. people call him a trator, and he keeps getting flashbacks, but you never learn of his past. i cant say anything else without giving away some spoilers.
but, i can say.
Gears of Wars takes place 14 years AFTER Emergance day, thats 14 years after these things started to pop out of the ground. with all the refrences to the main charecters past, the next GoW game will probably be 14 years earlier. but at the end of the game they also set it up for a sequal... so it could go either way