First off, a big thanks to all those who were able to attend. Bad timing compounded with the GM showing up 25 mins. late really did give us a scare. I know many sacrificed other commitments to attend today, again, thanks. Yes, we did run short of players. With 18 participants, it was certainly a gamble, though we were allowed to participate.
Fortunately, the other team fielded just as many. We can't be sure if it was deliberate to even out the teams or if fate had dictated that outcome, but a long and stressful fight later, we emerged victorious.
Our victory was not easy, and I'm sure many will agree with me that though we did try hard, we could have delivered much more. It could have gone either way, and this time it's the truth.
With our tubes going down twice & gen three times and staying that way in the final minutes, we cannot blame our defense, for they certainly pulled through with just a few peeps. On the offense, we had the opportunity to end it several times, but a lack of coordination, AMSes and Adv. Hacks suggests some mediocrity on our part. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of the team and all participants, but I'm sure everyone agrees that it was far too close. We have to give a shoutout to the few who did have the support certs and those who forced a decision to change our methods, which essentially earned us our victory. 
It's also far too easy to just look at ourselves. Hell's Rangers - SA really impressed us with their air superiority and organization. Their AA was solid, and they managed to bring several AMSes in the SOI. A big shoutout to them and their team, really an awesome game and some truly talented players. I would have hoped that the fight would have ended a little less dramatically; with us at their base and them at ours, it boiled down to a race for the CC hack. 
Even so, it was a great game, and there's so much we can do to improve. How much of it can be attributed to unsubs and the 43 day gap I cannot say for sure, but our next game Monday 6PM EST (30th) should be interesting.
Remember to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday (an extra hour of sleep Monday morning!)., the front-page clock will be adjusted as well. I've also added a rough respawn-like progress bar above the clock, for those who prefer a visual indicator.
Cheers & thanks!