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Quote Jbanicar Replybullet Topic: 300 (Movie)
    Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:05pm
Normally this would not be worth posting, as movies go, but this movie in particular seems to be very unique: 300. 

Check out the trailer (Quicktime) here:

It's about the 300 Spartans that held off the Persian army of over 500,000 at Thermoplyae; who held on until their eventual defeat by millions of arrows fired by the Persians.

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Quote Stairway Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:07pm
Yeah I just saw the trailer today when I was on another forum.  Movie looks pretty badass.
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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:11pm
I've been waiting for this to become a movie for about 8 years now, ever since I read the graphic novel "300" by Frank Miller. All I can say after watching the trailer is... OH MY GOD! It is going to be such a good movie.
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Quote akribitz Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:25pm
hmm so which one of the 300 spartans is gonna fall in love with some random woman and waste 30 min of the movie trying to get into her pants
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Quote Preach Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:29pm
I can tell you with 100% certainty Cleo, that will not happen. This is going to be the exact graphic novel put to film.
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Quote AquaNox Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:45pm

I don't know the story, but it looks fairly cool, however the wannabe Russel Crow and Orlando Bloom are a bit cliché.

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Quote NakataH Replybullet Posted: 07/October/2006 at 8:57pm
saw the trailer a few weeks ago

also read the book i love the spartans and reading about battles from that time period.. pity there arnt many modern film about them =(

those 300 Spartans 700 Thespians caused 20,000-50,000 persian casualties before dying

"Ctesias claims that the first 10,000 Persians killed only two or three Greeks"

"After their spears broke, the Spartans and Thespians kept fighting with their xiphos (short swords), and after those broke, they were said to have fought with their bare hands, teeth and nails."

musta been one hell of a f**king battle, gotta have some balls to stand against 1,000,000-4,000,000 troops (numbers seem to deviate between historical sources) having said which they were trained from birth till 20 to be emotionless killing machines, death in battle was an honour not somthing to be feared

the thespians also dont get as much credit as i think they deserve.. for the spartans battle was thier life but the thespians who stayed were citizens who could have easily left but they stayed to fight alongside the spartans
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Quote Tybox Replybullet Posted: 08/October/2006 at 1:36am
Bad ass.
You wanna talk about holding off the zerg...jeezus christ.
You can't get more "1337" than this folks.
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Quote Jersey Replybullet Posted: 08/October/2006 at 2:20am
Yup will be seeing it
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Quote akribitz Replybullet Posted: 09/October/2006 at 2:14am
surely they must have had pshield + 2nd wind and they were all in maxes
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