Originally posted by Xenetic
It is because we are used to reading this sort of type from emo's and 10 yo gamers every day.
LoL, this is a pretty good answer. But it's like Raik said, our brains read using the first and the last letter of a word, not the entire word or each of its letters. This means that as long as the first and last letter of a word are correct, it won't matter what order you rearrange any letters inbetween. Of course this is as long as the letters are the correct ones.
So going back to the Sentence and the F letter, how many did you count? If you counted 3, it's normal, but you're wrong. Go back and check again.
If you were like me, you would have counted 3 again and would probably swear by it, but the correct answer is 6. There are 6 F's in that sentence. What you omitted was the word, "of"- the brain sees "of" as "ov" because that is the way it sounds and therefore does not count "of" as being a word at all and skips right over it. If you got it correct the first time without ever seeing or hearing about this before then you're a freakin' genius.
If you would like me to stop with this thread then let me know, otherwise here's a "What is the word" riddle.
There is a word in the English language that if you spell it with one capital letter, the meaning of the word will change entirely. This is not counting using it in the beginning of a sentence. What is it?
Here's another:
Think of a word with 7 letters,
The first two letters means guy
The first three letters means girl
The first four letters means a great guy
While the word itself means a great woman
These two are rather easy and perhaps a bit cheesy, but something to do if you're bored.