Story behind this... I'm defending Mulac + Mulac Tower in my reaver on
Hossin. While I'm repairing at the air tower a TR mossy comes right for
me, I figure im dead because im pretty banged up, so I just launch all
my rockets at him, leading him a little bit. The TR mossy takes a messy
load of rockets to the face and promptly explodes. The screen shot you
see below is what he sent me shortly afterwards...
Not sure who this guy is, or why he thinks he "owns" me. Never really
payed attention to his name, but since he sent me this tell I've killed
him more times then I can remember. Must have been really pissed to die
to a near death reaver via well placed rockets. I'm thinking he was
pretty pissed due to the hate tells followed by him ignoring me... and
then the classic "pwnt" tell after he ignores me.
This stuff just makes me laugh.